A NativeScript UI module for implementing WhatsApp like chat applications.
- Android
- iOS
tns plugin add nativescript-chatview
inside your app project to install the module.
The demo app can be found here.
import ChatView = require("nativescript-chatview");
<Page xmlns="http://schemas.nativescript.org/tns.xsd"
import ChatView = require("nativescript-chatview");
function getTime() : string {
var now = new Date();
var hours = now.getHours();
return numberToString(hours == 12 ? 12 : (hours % 12)) + ":" + numberToString(now.getMinutes()) + " " +
(hours < 13 ? "AM" : "PM");
export function onNavigatingTo(args) {
var page = args.object;
// create view
var chatView = new ChatView.ChatView();
// register event when user taps
// on SEND button
chatView.notifyOnSendMessageTap((eventData: ChatView.SendMessageTappedEventData) => {
// add a chat message
date: getTime(),
isRight: true,
image: "~/img/avatar.jpg",
message: eventData.message,
// focus text field
page.content = chatView;
<Page xmlns="http://schemas.nativescript.org/tns.xsd"
<chatView:ChatView id="myChatView" />
Add the following CSS to your code:
.nsChatView-view .nsChatView-sendMessageArea {
margin: 4,0,0,0;
background-color: #e8e8e8;
.nsChatView-view .nsChatView-sendMessageArea Button {
background-color: transparent;
margin: 0;
.nsChatView-view .nsChatView-messageList {
background-color: transparent;
border-color: transparent;
border-width: 0;
margin: 0;
.nsChatView-view .nsChatView-messageList .nsChatView-item-left .nsChatView-avatar,
.nsChatView-view .nsChatView-messageList .nsChatView-item-right .nsChatView-avatar {
margin: 8;
border-radius: 32;
width: 64;
.nsChatView-view .nsChatView-messageList .nsChatView-item-left .nsChatView-separator,
.nsChatView-view .nsChatView-messageList .nsChatView-item-right .nsChatView-separator {
border-color: transparent;
border-width: 0;
width: 32;
.nsChatView-view .nsChatView-messageList .nsChatView-item-left .nsChatView-message,
.nsChatView-view .nsChatView-messageList .nsChatView-item-right .nsChatView-message {
margin: 8;
.nsChatView-view .nsChatView-messageList .nsChatView-item-left .nsChatView-messageArea,
.nsChatView-view .nsChatView-messageList .nsChatView-item-right .nsChatView-messageArea {
border-radius: 8;
.nsChatView-view .nsChatView-messageList .nsChatView-item-left .nsChatView-messageArea {
background-color: #edeef2;
.nsChatView-view .nsChatView-messageList .nsChatView-item-right .nsChatView-messageArea {
background-color: #00b863;
.nsChatView-view .nsChatView-messageList .nsChatView-item-left .nsChatView-messageArea .nsChatView-content,
.nsChatView-view .nsChatView-messageList .nsChatView-item-right .nsChatView-messageArea .nsChatView-content {
margin: 12,16,12,16;
.nsChatView-view .nsChatView-messageList .nsChatView-item-left .nsChatView-messageArea Label,
.nsChatView-view .nsChatView-messageList .nsChatView-item-right .nsChatView-messageArea Label {
margin: 0;
.nsChatView-view .nsChatView-messageList .nsChatView-item-left .nsChatView-messageArea .nsChatView-content Label {
color: black;
.nsChatView-view .nsChatView-messageList .nsChatView-item-right .nsChatView-messageArea .nsChatView-content Label {
color: white;
.nsChatView-view .nsChatView-messageList .nsChatView-item-left .nsChatView-messageArea .nsChatView-content .nsChatView-date,
.nsChatView-view .nsChatView-messageList .nsChatView-item-right .nsChatView-messageArea .nsChatView-content .nsChatView-date {
font-size: 11;
margin-bottom: 12;
.nsChatView-view .nsChatView-messageField {
font-size: 14;
To understand how a ChatView
is defined, you can have a look at the following XML definition:
<ChatView className="nsChatView-view"
<!-- list of messages -->
<ListView className="nsChatView-messageList"
items="{{ messages }}"
<!-- template for an IChatMessage item -->
<!-- chat message item -->
<GridLayout className="{{ 'nsChatView-item-' + (isRight ? 'right' : 'left') }}"
rows="auto" columns="auto,*,auto">
<!-- avatar -->
<Image row="0" col="{{ isRight ? '2' : '0' }}"
src="{{ image }}"
visibility="{{ image ? 'visible' : 'collapsed' }}" />
<!-- the message -->
<StackLayout row="0" col="1"
<!-- the message area -->
<Border className="nsChatView-messageArea">
<StackLayout className="nsChatView-content"
verticalAlignment="top" horizontalAlignment="{{ isRight ? 'right' : 'left' }}">
<!-- the date / time -->
<Label className="nsChatView-date"
horizontalAlignment="{{ isRight ? 'right' : 'left' }}"
text="{{ date }}"
visibility="{{ date ? 'visible' : 'collapsed' }}" />
<!-- the message text -->
<Label className="nsChatView-messageText"
horizontalAlignment="{{ isRight ? 'right' : 'left' }}"
text="{{ message }}" textWrap="true" />
<!-- The invisible separator -->
<Border row="0" col="{{ isRight ? '0' : '2' }}"
className="nsChatView-separator" />
<!-- message input field and SEND button -->
<GridLayout className="nsChatView-sendMessageArea"
<!-- chat message field -->
<TextField className="nsChatView-messageField"
col="0" row="0"
hint="{{ typeMessageHint }}" />
<!-- SEND button -->
<Button className="nsChatView-sendMessageButton"
col="1" row="0"
text="{{ sendMessageButtonCaption }}" />
The following properties of a ChatView
can be used to access the controls defined in the XML:
Name | CSS class |
messageField | nsChatView-messageField |
messageList | nsChatView-messageList |
sendMessageArea | nsChatView-sendMessageArea |
sendMessageButton | nsChatView-sendMessageButton |
Chat messages are wrapped into an IChatMessage
export interface IChatMessage {
* The date.
date?: any;
* The image source.
image?: any;
* Defines if the displayed item is aligned on the right side or not.
isRight?: boolean;
* The message value.
message?: any;
Use appendMessages()
method to add one or more chat messages:
date: getTime(),
isRight: true,
image: "~/img/me.jpg",
message: "My message",
}, {
date: getTime(),
isRight: false,
image: "~/img/friend.jpg",
message: "Friend's message",
Use insertMessages()
method to insert one or more chat messages at a specific position:
object.insertMessages(1, {
date: getTime(),
isRight: true,
image: "~/img/me.jpg",
message: "My message",
}, {
date: getTime(),
isRight: false,
image: "~/img/friend.jpg",
message: "Friend's message",
Use insertMessages()
method to prepend one or more chat messages:
date: getTime(),
isRight: true,
image: "~/img/me.jpg",
message: "My message",
}, {
date: getTime(),
isRight: false,
image: "~/img/friend.jpg",
message: "Friend's message",
Use the notifyOnSendMessageTap()
method to register for a "click" event:
chatView.notifyOnSendMessageTap((eventData: ChatView.SendMessageTappedEventData) => {
// handle the event
The eventData
object has the following structure:
import Observable = require("data/observable");
export class SendMessageTappedEventData implements Observable.EventData {
/** @inheritdoc */
public eventName: string;
* Focuses the chat message field.
* @return {Boolean} Operation was successful or not.
public focusTextField(): boolean;
* Gets the message to send.
public message: string;
/** @inheritdoc */
public object: ChatView;
* Resets the message value.
public resetMessage();
* Scrolls to bottom.
public scrollToBottom();