Food.Dot is a website for finding the recipe that you want to cook or want to learn. Here you will find all latest and greatest recipes with ingredients and the instructions video on how to make it. This is one my side projects as well. In this project I tried to build erverything with api so I used themealdb api. I think I learned alot from it and I feel much comfortable with api's now.
here is the link to checkout the site - Food.Dot
- themealdb Api
- Javascript
- Bootstrap
- Optimised search functionality
- Recipe page for displaying the searched results
- Individual Recipe page
- Random recipe functionality
- I had so much fun building this website that I want to build some more. Even though I had to scrifice some of my free time to build it and during that time I had so many difficulties but i am so happy with it and I am so glad that I stuck through it and made to the end.