PROJECT TITLE: Astroids for Java
PURPOSE OF PROJECT: To demonstrate my knowledge of computer science
VERSION or DATE: Spring 2013
HOW TO START THIS PROJECT: Compile all java files. run AstroidGameTester .
More detailed instructions:
download all files and put them in a folder
navigate to that folder with terminal
type: javac *.java
type: java AstroidGameTester
play game
AUTHORS: Dexter Antonio
This game mimics the game Asteroids. The point of the game is to score as many points as possible by shooting asteroids with your spaceship. The spaceship will explode if it collides with an asteroid. After destroying all of the asteroids on one level another level will begin with one additional asteroid. The amount of points that you score is indicated by the score in the upper left corner. The triangles represent how many remaining lives that you have. If your spaceship is destroyed by an asteroid pressing the R key will reset your spaceship. If you travel off one side of the screen you will come back on the other side.
Use forward arrow key to fire thrusters which move the spaceship forward Use left arrow key to rotate the spaceship counter clockwise use right arrow key to rotate the spaceship clockwise use spacebar to fire missiles press the R key to reset your spaceship if it is destroyed press the A key to transport the spaceship to a random place on the screen