Subreddimages allows you to create any image out of thousands images dowloaded from a subreddit of your choice!
You need Python >=3.4.0 to be installed
Before use, some python modules may need installing;
To install all the libraries run:
pip install psaw pillow opencv-python numpy imageio imageio-ffmpeg tifffile h5py
- You can download the latest version of Subreddimages here:
- The Python script can also be run independently, using command line arguments.
- You can also build from source.
Subreddit - The subreddit you want the images downloaded from.
Ouput directory - The place where the finished image will be saved.
Image to create - The image you want created.
Sort by - How the images on the subreddit should be sorted.
) -
NSFW - Whether any images marked NSFW should be downloaded.◊
Nearest by -
will pick the nearest image by colour.brightness
will pick the nearest image by brightness. Δ--nearest
Image section size - The size the images should be cropped to.
Maximum images - A cap on how many images should be retrieved from the subreddit.
To run the program by command line, use the arguments shown. All these arguments must be included
Download the source code:
Download the latest Eclipse version here
Open Eclipse and under package explorer:
File -> Import -> General -> Existing projects into workspace -> Add Subreddimages to root directory -> Finish
To export as a JAR:
If you haven't yet run it, right click
:Run as -> Java Application
Then close it.
Under package explorer, right click
:Export -> Java -> Runnable JAR file -> Next -> Finish - Lanch configuration: MainGUI - Subreddimages - Package required libraries into generated JAR
To run the jar,
to the folder it is located in and run:java -jar <name>.jar
◊ NSFW will only work if the Reddit post was marked as NSFW.
will create a cloured image,brightness
will create a black-and-white looking image. -
all time
does not meantop of all time
. There is not currently a way to sort like that in psaw. -
To open the TIFF file produced, on Windows IrfanView seemed to work mostly consistently.
On MacOS it seems GraphicConverter was recommended although I never tried it.
For Linux, Gwenview was recommended although, again, I never tried it.