This project was made to complete a subject. Here's a quick guide to make the same project but hopefully it'll work out better than my own.
- WeMos ESP 8266 D1 Mini
- Servo Motor SG90 9G
- Support Block Coupler Box 8 Battery AA - Advice use 4.5V batteries instead of 1.5V, they're more powerful and last longer.
- HC-SR04
- 5V Relay
- DC Motor
- Legos - Advice use a 3D printer to build your own pieces if possible.
This version is the version I used, here's the schematics:
I've also made another schematic for an improvement, this way you can make the car go forward and backwards when it has an obstacle, thanks to the 2nd relay.
The advices we're all from my teacher.
Thanks to my colleages Helder Fonseca and Ricardo Pereira I could not have made it without them!