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Beamline Energy Implementation

rtuck99 edited this page Nov 21, 2023 · 7 revisions

(Work In Progress)

Reverse Engineer from GDA

Currently beamline energy is controlled in GDA from within

There is a class beamLineSpecificEnergy which inherits from beamLineEnergy

To do the alignment there are two implementations AutomatedAlign and QuickAlign

in beamLineEnergy it basically does the equivalent of

	def align_beam(self, quick_align): # Re-align button
			if quick_align:
  • The entry point for setting the energy is in beamLineEnergy.asynchronousMoveTo which overrides the asynchronousMoveTo in Scannable. ScannableMotionBase delegates moveTo to the async version.
  • asynchronousMoveTo ultimately calls asynchronousMoveTo_worker in beamLineSpecificEnergy
  • asynchronousMoveTo_worker performs a number of operations all on separate threads and then waits for them to finish
    • asynchronousMoveTo_worker creates a MoveVfmThread instance, which initialises VFM_X and VFM_Y stripe according to both the current and requested energy.
    • asynchronouseMoveTo_workersets the focus mode Not sure if we need to implement this
    • asynchronouseMoveTo_workersets detector energy Don't think we need to do this
    • asynchronouseMoveTo_workersets energy in ChangeEnergyThread, this is where it sets BeamLineEnergy_Bragg_eV and then calls energyController.moveTo()
    • asynchronouseMoveTo_worker calls mirrorFocus.check_voltages() (when and if depends on factors)
    • asynchronouseMoveTo_worker calls align_beam_worker() in the superclass which delegates to align_beam_specific_worker()
    • asynchronouseMoveTo_worker keeps all its async threads tracked in energy_threads array and waits for them to complete at the end of the func


  • Open the experiment shutter
  • Read initial state (Think this is what setParameters does)
  • close camera shutter
  • set attenuator transmission
  • disable feedback loop
  • set roll converter to target value
  • If full XBPM feedback
    • find peak gaussian strategy #1
  • else
    • find peak gaussian strategy #2
  • set slit size
  • reset attenuation
  • reenable feedback loop


  • is referenced by HandleCollectRequests in do_automated_align() but the latter appears to be unused


  • not referenced by anything but is probably a manual entry point