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Rainbow 6 Siege Esports Google Calendar

This Python script updates a Google Calendar with upcoming Rainbow 6 Siege esports matches, which are also available on the official Ubisoft calendar site.

Adding the Calendar to your Google Account

To add the Google Calendar to your account, simply click on this link and then click on "Add".

The calendar is currently updated 3 times a day.

Dev Requirements

  • Docker
  • A Google Cloud Platform project with the Calendar API enabled and a service account set up.


  1. Clone this repository to your local machine.
  2. Open the repository in Visual Studio Code with the Remote - Containers extension installed.
  3. Choose "Reopen in Container" in the prompt that appears.
  4. Download your Google Cloud service account credentials and place them in the src directory
  5. Share your calendar with the service account by adding the service account's email address as a shared user to the calendar.
  6. Create a .env file using the .env.example file as reference.
  7. Run the script