Improves and polishes the official Chinese translation to make its translation more perfect!
As the name suggests, IMPCN is the better version of official Chinese Translation. It improves almost every aspect of the official translation. To revamp the official Chinese translation, we would review all original texts and rectify all incorrect, misleading and mistaken translations, including those that do not match pronounciation. Hoping that it would be close to old or better translations. Ultimately close to the Faithfulness, Expressiveness and Gracefulness standard. This project is certain to be taking huge amount of dedication, estimated content to be translated and/or corrected includes: Interface, Tooltips, Map Legends, Items, Projectiles, NPC, BUFF, Achievements, Conversations, Tips, etc.
As we all know, the official Chinese translation is so poor that it is suspected to be the work of machine translation. As well as being used to old translations. Many of the Chinese player base has aired their dissatisfaction. Re-Logic admitted the unacceptable quality of Chinese Translation and created a thread on the official forum to collect improper translations, thus making rectifications. It was, however, disappointing that it came with little success. Actually, long before official Chinese translation is added into the game, our team has been working on Chinese translation for version 1.3.3, and kept updating the unofficial translation untill 1.3.5 was released. Not long ago, some members from our team has contributed to make an improved translation for version It hasn't been updated to versions after however. As such, to answer our player base's pleas, we are determined to start IMPCN, with improvements.
This version of IMPCN is unlike any versions before. Previously we used texts from, perhaps some modifications, but not new additions. Changing most of the official translations and adding new translations would perfect the translations. Besides, we will be reading and referring to a vast amount of documents, translating memes in the game(even adding new ones). You may also suggest translations where rectification is needed, once approved, we would apply your translation. In addition, we also made it into a mod (IMPCN). Of course, thanks to jopojelly.
- Main&Menu
- Tooltips
- MapLegend
- ItemName&Tip
- BuffName&Tip
- NpcName&Chat
- AchievementName&Tip
- Projectiles
- Waiting for final check and approve...
- 星陨玫瑰(Dierney), 火, 黎执, Rebuild, 小藜
- QQ:592853500 (Dierney)
- Discord:Dierney#0792