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Welcome to the DOL dataquests sharing project !!

How to import an existing CSV quest

Open the Dataquest input tool "DataQuest_Input.ods" and activate macros :

Select one of the CSV quests in the "quests" folder and do a copy of the content :
image Paste the content into the spreadsheet in order to import the CSV :

Select the "tab" only as a separator :

The quest is now imported into the spreadsheet :

Click on "Finalize Import" and answer "Yes" to the two questions :

Go into the "SQL Datasheet Output" :

Select the 2 cells on the right of Query 1 and Query 2 and paste the content into a SQL client connected to your DOL database then execute the SQL :

The quest is now inserted/updated into your DOL database !

Launch your DOL server or - if server already started - do a /mob refreshquests on the corresponding NPC :
Your quest is now ready to be played/ tested !

How to export a quest to CSV

Just do a copy of all your cells in the "Dataquest Input" tab.
Paste the content to a text editor like Notepad++.
Save your file to CSV (tab as a separator).

The filename convention is :
<Quest Name>-<NPC Name>.csv

(please replace " " by "_" in the filename)

How to create a new quest

Open the file "Quests_List.ods" in the "samples" folder and do Ctrl+Click on the quest's title to go into the corresponding quest description on Allakhazam website.

Open the Dataquest input tool "DataQuest_Input.ods" and select your number of steps in the spreadsheet :

Start to do copy/paste of the steps description from Allakhazam into your spreadsheet and create a Finish step to finalize your quest.

You can check the details of the fields in the instructions document : OpenDataQuest_Instructions.ods


The version of the OpenDataQuest input tool is based on the below :

  • a major version (v1.0, v1.1, ...) : in case the CSV structure must be changed
  • a minor version (64, 65, ...) : corresponding to EveOfDarkness/db-public data release = the Mob, Worldobject, ItemTemplate dropdown lists are based on this version

image image

It means the CSV files are compatible within the same major version.

Start testing and share your findings !


DOL dataquests sharing project






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