Run a Jenkins master on Mesos and Marathon, using Docker and Nginx.
This repo contains a Dockerfile that runs Jenkins inside a Docker container and uses Nginx as a reverse proxy. It also provides several Jenkins plugins and a basic Jenkins configuration in order to get you up and running quickly with Jenkins on DC/OS.
Base packages:
Jenkins plugins:
- ace-editor v1.1
- ansicolor v0.4.2
- ant v1.3
- antisamy-markup-formatter v1.5
- artifactory v2.6.0
- aws-credentials v1.16
- aws-java-sdk v1.10.50
- azure-slave-plugin v0.3.3
- blueocean v1.0-alpha-4
- blueocean-commons v1.0-alpha-4
- blueocean-dashboard v1.0-alpha-4
- blueocean-events v1.0-alpha-4
- blueocean-personalization v1.0-alpha-4
- blueocean-pipeline-api-impl v1.0-alpha-4
- blueocean-rest v1.0-alpha-4
- blueocean-rest-impl v1.0-alpha-4
- blueocean-web v1.0-alpha-4
- bouncycastle-api v1.648.3
- branch-api v1.10
- build-name-setter v1.6.5
- build-timeout v1.17.1
- cloudbees-folder v5.12
- conditional-buildstep v1.3.5
- config-file-provider v2.11
- copyartifact v1.38.1
- credentials v2.1.4
- credentials-binding v1.9
- cvs v2.12
- durable-task v1.12
- ec2 v1.35
- embeddable-build-status v1.9
- external-monitor-job v1.6
- favorite v1.16
- ghprb v1.33.1
- git v2.5.3
- git-client v1.21.0
- git-server v1.7
- github v1.21.1
- github-api v1.77
- github-branch-source v1.9
- gitlab v1.4.0
- gradle v1.25
- greenballs v1.15
- handlebars v1.1.1
- icon-shim v2.0.3
- ivy v1.26
- jackson2-api v2.7.3
- javadoc v1.4
- job-dsl v1.50
- jobConfigHistory v2.15
- jquery v1.11.2-0
- jquery-detached v1.2.1
- junit v1.18
- ldap v1.12
- mailer v1.17
- mapdb-api v1.0.9.0
- marathon v1.3.2
- matrix-auth v1.4
- matrix-project v1.7.1
- maven-plugin v2.13
- mesos v0.13.1
- metrics v3.1.2.9
- momentjs v1.1.1
- monitoring v1.60.0
- nant v1.4.3
- node-iterator-api v1.5.0
- pam-auth v1.3
- parameterized-trigger v2.32
- pipeline-build-step v2.2
- pipeline-input-step v2.1
- pipeline-rest-api v1.7
- pipeline-stage-step v2.1
- pipeline-stage-view v1.7
- plain-credentials v1.2
- rebuild v1.25
- role-strategy v2.3.2
- run-condition v1.0
- s3 v0.10.7
- saferestart v0.3
- saml v0.6
- scm-api v1.2
- script-security v1.22
- sse-gateway v1.5
- ssh-agent v1.13
- ssh-credentials v1.12
- ssh-slaves v1.11
- structs v1.4
- subversion v2.6
- support-core v2.32
- timestamper v1.8.4
- token-macro v1.12.1
- translation v1.15
- variant v1.0
- windows-slaves v1.2
- workflow-aggregator v2.2
- workflow-api v2.2
- workflow-basic-steps v2.1
- workflow-cps v2.13
- workflow-cps-global-lib v2.2
- workflow-durable-task-step v2.4
- workflow-job v2.6
- workflow-multibranch v2.8
- workflow-scm-step v2.2
- workflow-step-api v2.3
- workflow-support v2.2
The included pom.xml
file is used to create a WAR file containing the plugins
listed above. To assemble the WAR file, run the maven command:
mvn package
Jenkins is available as a package in the Mesosphere Universe. To make changes to the Jenkins package, submit a pull request against the Universe.
To install Jenkins for the DC/OS, simply run dcos package install jenkins
or install via the Universe page in the DC/OS UI.
Jenkins should now be available at See Getting Started for more in-depth instructions and configuration options.
To release a new version of this package:
- Update the Jenkins conf to reference the current release of the jenkins-dind Docker image (if needed).
- Update the Jenkins release version in pom.xml.
- Add some release notes to
- Tag the commit on master that you want to be released.
- Once the build has successfully completed, submit a new pull request against the Universe referencing the new tag.