History of releases
All previous versions changelog before we moved to github.
- Improvements
- Cancel button on market re-enabled/fixed
- By default all checked on guild message interface
- Bug Fixes
- Attacked timers icons fixed
- Attacked timers, get attacked time fixed (in reports list)
- Fixed get reward item's data (in reports list)
- Player icon link changed to "P" (in advance menu)
- Fixed a bug on reading the merchandaries modes
- Fixed guild message interface
- Fixed guild library scroll's level background
- Fixed guild jail enemy's level background
- Fixed auction house item's level background
- Translations
- (Translate System) Added edit/view urls of the translations for the translators
- If any name below is not correct, sorry (we don't track people :P)
- (ar) Arabic translation updates by Mohamed3342
- (es) Spanish translation updates by JotaFraG
- (fa) Farsi translation updates by .WhiteGladiatur.
- (he) Hebrew translation updates by koritze, niko
- (hr) Croatian translation updates by mijo.vkci
- (hu) Hungarian translation updates by Adamus23
- (pl) Polish translation updates by wupload@op.pl and bujekx
- (wupload@op.pl have no idea ... he just translates :P)
- (pt) Portuguese translation updates by Bazzi
- (ru) Russian translation updates by M33312
- (Translate System) Added edit/view urls of the translations for the translators
- Improvements
- Clicking on a player's link in messages don't close message
- Bug Fixes
- Addon not working bug (failed to read server time)
- Get reward items on reports (imported re-scripted code from version 4)
- Market fixed (fixed market info tooltip)
- Auction fixed guild message
- Menu fixed (active menu item was not visible)
- Training gold spent visual fixed
- Guild Gladiatorius protected from attacks guild members fixed
- Guild madic fixed
- Fixed error in turma in passive mode
- Attack timers fixes (gladiatus month bug)
- Bug Fixes
- Auction House features fixed
- Merchands Item search fixed
- Guild library fixed
- Storage Info fixed
- Storage show items you can buy fixed
- Guild Search for players now works (added max-min swap if max < min)
- Enemy drops display fix
- Bug Fixes
- Support for new gladiatus update "v2.4.0_pl4" (https protocol implemented)
- Improvements
- Online Players : New layout of the upcomming version 4.0.0
- Bug Fixes
- Support for new gladiatus update "v2.3.1_pl4" (game url changed)
- Improvements
- Materials most dropped from enemies are shown (45% & 25% if a material is dropped)
- Bug Fixes
- Swapped players' custom images in reports poblem was fixed
- Custom image error in dungeon reports was fixed
- (Gladiatus Version 2.1.2 fixes)
- Extended HP-EXP info was fixed
- Shortcuts bar: guild library link was fixed
- Shortcuts bar: guild storage link was fixed
- Shortcuts bar: guild market link was fixed
- Auction features were fixed
- Guild members list: attacked times were fixed
- Guild upgrade calculator style was fixed
- Guild library: advanced UI was fixed
- Guild bank: advanced UI was fixed
- Guild war camp: advanced UI was fixed
- Guild medic: advanced UI was fixed
- Highlight items you can buy was fixed (not dynamic)
- Player/merchants info boxes were fixed (not dynamic)
- Removed (Temporary because of Gladiatus v2.1.2)
- (However, options are still available for this features :P)
- "Minutes left for full life" was removed
- EXP and gold stats were removed
- Advance Overview stats were removed (item analyse)
- Block, Avoid caps were removed
- "Food you can eat" was removed
- Mercenaries Management was removed
- "Show mercenaries tooltips" was removed
- "Right to Left" tooltips fix was removed
- Package button tooltip was removed
- Inventory previews were removed
- Weapon down alert was removed
- Drag'n'drop fixes were removed
- Auction new item types list auto-populate was removed
- All messages' features were removed
- All package' features were removed
- Open all mystery boxes button was removed
- "Show player's buffs" was removed
- Training Advance UI was removed
- Improvements
- Packages: Page preview improvements
- Anonymous report item drops (smelt items) to server (upcoming site section)
- Packages Expire Notification: Tooltip with the next expire hours on packages button
- Auction: Added again price/value % from "hide your gold" items + style improvements
- Forge: Button under your bag to automatic forge all required materials from bag
- Forge: Links to your bag and the market of the remaining required smelt items
- Mystery Box: Button to automatic open all boxes (but you will not see what you won)
- Bug Fixes
- Packages: Page preview fixes
- Overview: Remaining time for Full Life (position in life tooltip) fix
- Storage Info: Max items number was changed from 32 to 40 (bigger bag since Gl v2.0.1)
- Global: fixed 4 errors when you have more than 1.000 rubies
- (Gladiatus Version 2.0.1_pl2 fixes)
- Overview: Wrong Player/Mercenary functions were running (because of the player save)
- Improvements
- Options: Added option to disable the report to guild button in auction
- Options: Added option to disable the last attacked timers
- Options: Added option to disable the quest status/timer
- Options: Premium Key remaining days live update on key saving
- Packages: Premium View, package paging improvements
- Auction: Sound added on "Status Change" notification (sounds must be enabled)
- Guild Members List: See which members have been attacked within 75 min
- Guild War Camp: Button that shows the raided gold next to each attack
- Bug Fixes
- Auction: Removed price/value % from "hide your gold" items
- Packages: Loaded pages with search options fix
- Packages: Pages links with search options fix
- Firefox: Sound notifications fix
- Advance Main menu: compatibility fixes for low level players
- Improvements
- Firefox: Addon SDK was updated + improvement/fixes
- Auction: "Hide your gold" feature now supports the 5% merchant discount
- Pantheon-Quests: Finished and Failed (Restart) quests are now categorized
- Bug Fixes
- Chrome: right-click features on premium package fix
- Merchants: Items search was not working
- Messages: URL links small bug fix
- CSS fix for LtR servers
- (Gladiatus Version 2.0.1 fixes)
- Inventory Info box position fix
- Inventory disappears under mercenaries
- Inventory Preview Tooltips fix
- Packages: Premium View fix
- Packages: Right click "Get item" fix
- Improvements
- Guild (Upgrade Cost Calculator): Added multiplier per player
- Player Overview: Show the cap values of Resilience and Block
- Player Overview: Player items' stats are recalculated on item move
- General: Added shortcut (next to life) for the 100% life potion page
- General: Added notification on "Auction Status" change (DEFAULT DISABLED)
- Auction: Display for each mercenary its tooltip when on Mercenaries
- Auction: Hide the guide/last row of mercenaries tooltips (better compare view)
- Auction (Mercenaries): Added "Heal" filter option
- Mercenaries: Fight mission type icon has now a tooltip with the mission type
- Mercenaries: Mercenaries stats (tooltip) are now visible on your mercenaries too
- Market: Select the default sell duration (2h, 8h etc) in the GCA options (default 24h)
- Premium (Food you can eat): Green background on the food item that best fills your life
- Messages interface: Small icon next to every Guild Master's message
- Messages interface: Auto-remove the last lines of each message, if they are empty
- Messages interface: Warning icon and item links on auction bid messages
- Guild's message interface: New "Announcement" button on the message style bar
- Support/fixes of the new Forge System
- Advanced main menu: Added link to "Smeltery" next to "Forge" as [+]
- Remember bag tabs: Feature now works in the "Forge" section
- Reports: small style improvements
- Fight simulator: new page links under players (direct to results link for premium users)
- Pantheon (Gods): Gods buttons ware recolored based of each god's favor
- Pantheon (Gods): Gods percent(%) of points, red color on 100%
- Work/Pray/Traveling: The exact finish time (date-time) is shown next to remaining time
- Player: Buff bar over players (shows almost all buffs)
- Custom Images: Added border on guild images
- New BETA message feature: convert all URL to links (DEFAULT DISABLED)
- New BETA message feature: fix space problem for every msg (DEFAULT DISABLED)
- Player Description: Preview when you edit your description
- Addon speed improvements on Chrome
- New right-click on items feature (eat, move to inventory)
- Bug Fixes
- Training: cost calculator discount fix
- Training: show guild discount fix
- Messages: personal message height fix
- Attacked timers: style fix (when you are attacked more than 100h ago)
- Errors while traveling fixes (global highscore link, attack timers)
- Some functions are now disabled from running when traveling
- Inventory preview images not found fix (because of the images cache numbers)
- Auction: "Hide your gold" feature now works on items with value=price+1 (=game bug)
- Mercenaries: "Fight type mission" icon (heal, protect etc..) not showing on 2nd player
- Mercenaries: Some features were not running after changing mercenary's name
- Arena: Minor bug fix
- Guild (Search for new players): minor style fixes and optimizations
- Advanced main menu: Wrong link positions during some events
- Advanced main menu: Wrong link positions because of the forge system
- Merchants Timer: Wrong position during some events
- Market (more levels in search options): Starting level was set to 0 (crafting materials)
- Reports: fight reward items tooltips were not working
- Update Message: error on server request fix (server side)
- Premium days remaining: small fix
- Experience Tracker: Code was re-writed / fixed
- Packages Expire Warning: server time difference fix
- Small drag n drop fix
- GCA Hightscore daily update fix (+database reset)
- (Gladiatus Version 2.0.0_pl1 fixes)
- GCA News tabs style fix
- Guild Upgrade Counter fix
- Guild detection fix
- Guild-mates IDs update fix
- Merchants Search box position fix
- Guild Life tab style fix
- Advance Menu fix
- Premium Packages fix
- Style fixes "here and there"
- Translations
- Spanish translation updates by Francisco Carvajal
- Czech translation fix
- Improvements
- Added Pantheon features in GCA options
- Added Arena features in GCA options
- Added Player features in GCA options
- Bug Fixes
- Auction Status text color after Gladiatus update to v1.15.1
- "Cancel all" button was not working in public market
- Translations
- [NEW] Lithuanian translation (8%) by Darksun
- [NEW] Norwegian translation (69%) by Rune1
- [NEW] Russian translation by M33312
- [NEW] Turkish translation by XeaR
- [NEW] Hebrew translation by koritze
- [NEW] Croatian translation by Dark_Knight_
- Dutch translation updates by Anathustra (over proximilius and priscuss)
- Czech translation updates by WiLLsTeiN
- German translation updates by DoonFreak
- Bulgarian translation updates by IvoGradeff and Dimitroff
- Latvian translation updates by DarkSide666 (over Dominators_S3)
- Hungarian translation updates by Adamus23
- Polish translation updates by wupload
- Portuguese translation updates by kelmaxine (over Led_Zeppelin and tfmvl)
- Slovak translation updates by Maximus (over TraiaN)
- French translation updates by titigrd and Vanlen_1er
- Farsi translation updates by .WhiteGladiatur.
- Improvements
- Option to disable the info boxes under the merchants
- Option to disable the highlight items you can buy in merchants
- Auction: Multiple bids (no refresh) (DEFAULT DISABLED)
- Bug Fixes
- a missing translation was fixed
- not updated translation files for Firefox, fixed
- packages expire time alert fix
- old simulator link on shortcut button
- player image in costumes, style changes
- Translations
- English translation fixes
- Greek translation fixes
- Improvements
- Packages Expire Warning (DEFAULT DISABLED)
- Set the number of hours for the expiration package warning (in the options)
- Search for players with no guild, from the guild admin page
- Bug Fixes
- Automatic language detection is working again
- Personal messages style fix (wrong height fix)
- Bugged item move fix
- GCA Simulator game-domain fix and moved
- GCA Highscore game-domain fix
- GCA Signature Generator game-domain fix
- Improvements
- You can see custom guild images while not logged in (using GCA)
- Bug Fixes
- Domain change quick fix
- Small custom guild image's fix
- Improvements
- Training Cost Calculator: option for Neptunes costume added
- GCA Highscore (Global rankings) in our Homepage
- GCA Signature Generator in our Homepage
- Advanced Main menu: New [+] link next to Highscore leading to GCA Highscore
- Automatic player update in the GCA Highscore
- Improved "New version" message UI
- Improved "New version was installed" UI
- Bug Fixes
- CSS load fix when there is a bug (on Firefox)
- Bug report on error console (on Firefox)
- Package style fix
- Merchants timer style fix
- Error fix in Market
- Training Cost Calculator reduction fix
- Translations
- [New] Chinese (100%) by Eric Hsieh
- [New] Portuguese (100%) by Led_Zeppelin & tfmvl
- Arabic (100%) by MANo0o0o0o0oN
- Spanish (100%) by Francisco Carvajal, McINTYRE & JotaFraG
- Hungarian (100%) by Adamus23
- Polish (100%) by wupload
- Romanian (100%) by TheBreaker
- Slovak (100%) by TraiaN
- Farsi (97%) by .WhiteGladiatur.
- German (92%) by DoonFreak
- Improvements
- Packages: Number of the current page next to "This page"
- Packages: Number of gold packages gathered next to "Gather gold []"
- Bug Fixes
- Gold gatherer fix for Firefox
- Gold gatherer too quick redirect fix
- Improvements
- Training cost calculator was improved (automatic calculation when you click +1 or -1 buttons and values optimization)
- Fix for the moving tooltips game problem for right to left servers
- Experience stats box (mouse over the stat icon located next to the chat icon)
- Button announcing to guild, with a mail, the auction status
- The reminder sound was change
- Bag preview on mouseover
- New packages value/gold counter
- Bug Fixes
- Left to right server (ex. Arabic) fixes (top fixed bar, info tables, merchants time, auction)
- Auction info tooltip fix
- Main menu fix for 5 level players
- Change player's image fixes (for Firefox)
- Packages style fix (for premium)
- Items you can eat wrong heal points fix (for premium)
- Translations
- Estonian (97%) by Legend
- Farsi (97%) by .WhiteGladiatur.
- French (97%) by titigrd & Vanlen_1er
- Hungarian (97%) by Adamus23
- Romanian (97%) by TheBreaker
- Slovak (97%) by TraiaN
- Spanish (97%) by Francisco Carvajal & McINTYRE
- Dutch (96%) by proximilius, priscuss
- Czech (95%) by WiLLsTeiN
- Arabic (93%) by MANo0o0o0o0oN
- Bulgarian (93%) by IvoGradeff
- Albanian (21%) by Besmir Sadiku
- Slovenian (12%) by TANKISTA33
- Improvements
- Chat URL mod (you can now go back and front the pages)
- Chat style mod (you can now use the chat! Press [ENTER] to open and close it)
- Online Translation System in GCA's server
- Number of Price/Value % on auction Auction (ex. "(153%)")
- Sound notifications for Missions, Dungeons and Arenas (mute button right-bottom of the page)
- Bug Fixes
- Pantheon small bug refix
- Left to right server (ex. Arabic) fixes (training, top fixed bar)
- Messeges style fix (info icon on a personal message)
- Tooltip fix
- Auction autofill refix
- Translations
- Online Translation System is ready (in our homepage)
- English (100%) by GreatApo & DarkThanos
- Greek (100%) by GreatApo & DarkThanos
- Latvian (100%) by Dominators_S3
- Polish (100%) by wupload
- Spanish (99%) by Francisco Carvajal
- Romanian (98%) by TheBreaker
- German (85%) by DoonFreak & GreatApo
- Improvements
- Messages style improvements
- Messages spam block system (default disabled)
- Attack buttons next to each member of a guild (member list), usefull for guild wars (old type)
- Οption to hide the building's names in city/country maps (default disabled)
- GCA News tan in game news
- Bug Fixes
- Right to left servers style fixes (ex. Arabic)
- Pantheon small bug fix
- Training small bug fix
- Training Cost Calculator style fix
- Advanced Main Menu - Merchants time feature fixes for low level players (level 1-4)
- Auction small bug fix
- Quick guild message bug fix
- Link on guild message author's name bug fix
- Costumes - Merchants time small bug fix
- Improvements
- Display Centurio days left (on main menu ,enable it from the addon settings)
- Alert for pending guild applications (for guild admins, enable it from the addon settings)
- Show Premium days
- Guild War Camp: More stats & better win-lost-draw icons features were implemented
- Guild War Camp: Member reports features were implemented
- Packages: Collect Gold button feature was implemented
- More options were added in settings
- More player images feature was implemented
- Guild Buildings: Upgrade Calculator was implemented and highly improved
- Training Cost Calculator translations were added and style fixes were made
- Οption to hide the guild building's names and levels (main guild page)
- Bug Fixes
- Main menu fix for low level players
- Opponent mercenaries images were fixed
- Fix for servers that the addon was not working (ex. USA and Turkish servers), if the addon does not work in an other server let me know, sorry if i forgot any other server
- Attacked timers fix
- Firefox addon icon fix (the new icon)
- Packages: You can now set the max number of pages you want to be loaded (default is 5, change it from settings)
- Packages: The problem that you couldn't delete a package was fixed
- Premium users got a small automatic fix after the publish of the last version
- Re-scripted
- A whole new GCA Javascript Core is introduced by DarkThanos
- Fade in and out animations were added in a lot of features
- New right-to-left sites support system
- Advanced Overview Interface:
- Players Stats: Show which item stats points are coming from clear points and which from percent bonus
- Players Stats: Show minutes left to fully recover your life (in both "header life bar" and "overview life bar")
- Share your gladiator on Facebook button [Show your gladiator to your Facebook friends with one click.]
- Player Stats page ratios and totals
- Advanced Life/Experience View
- Interface Button Bar
- Many Guild Shortcuts [Shortcuts to Medic Center, Market, Storage, Bank, War Camp, Jail, Library, Traning Camp(=an other GCA feature).]
- Quick guild mail [Write and then sent a guild mail from where you are (without loading any other page).]
- Quick donate all to guild [Button to donate all your gold to your guild directly from where you are.]
- Player's stats [A list of your stats values (Life,Strength etc.). If you browse an other gladiator this button will turn to Compare Stats mode.]
- Online guildmates / friends [Open a new section where you can directly see which of your guildmates/friends are online.]
- Advanced Main Menu:
- You now need to click the country side to left the city menu and the opposite
- More links [+] for each special menu option
- Advanced Guild Jail Interface:
- Cells are now visible with the creatures inside (completely new/better interface)
- Creatures are now sorted by level
- Advanced Guild Library Interface:
- Level of each buff and what the buff do are now directly visible
- Red bg and transparency for item that you can't store in library
- Gold in guild bank after the use of buff is displayed in a tooltip over the buff cost
- Cost per stat point of each buff is displayed in a tooltip over the buff time
- Some style changes (ex. enable/delete buttons)
- Advanced Guild Bank Interface:
- Better style (Counting)
- Correcting the donate field code to number type
- Button to add all the gold in the donate field
- Advanced Guild Bank Book Interface:
- The sum of donations (total) is displayed
- Percent of donated amount of each player
- Ex-guild members are hidden (button to show them available)
- Merge continued donations of the same player
- Day separators
- Auction Status Interface [Displays the status of the two auctions on every page you load.]
- Advanced Guild Medic Interface
- More information over your life changes
- New guild's life preview page
- Advanced Messages Interface:
- Style changes
- Sender name links
- Day separators
- Intergrated BBCode / Emoticons system
- Auction Interface:
- 3 Colums auction
- Colored items based to how rare they are
- Items you can affored (Green/Red texted buy buttons)
- Hide your gold system / More info about prices (value compared to price)
- Advance search options (Gold limit, Damage for weapons, Duration and +? for improvements)
- Item list selection
- Type list selection (based on the items you are browsing)
- More levels in the search options
- Clear button
- Auto fill with gold value the item fields
- Level of each item is visible (up-right corner)
- Item levels you can see in auction are shown when you mouse over the (!) icon
- Advanced Reports Interface:
- Improved style / Day separators
- Rewarded items stats on mouse over (tooltips)
- Advanced Mercenaries management Interface
- Advanced Guild Mail Interface
- Improved style
- BBCode / Emoticons button bar
- Check / Uncheck options for each guild members group
- Top position-fixed game bar (Showing gold, rubies etc.)
- Advanced Training Interface
- Show stats changes
- Training Cost calculator
- Advanced Market Interface (Both normal and guild!)
- Item search list
- Type list selection (based on the items you are browsing)
- Clear buttons
- More levels in the search options
- Cancel all items with one button (if "load all pages" is open this will also work)
- Style fixes
- Load all the pages
- Item levels you can see in market are shown when you mouse over the (!) icon
- Advanced Merchants Interface
- Cross merchants item search
- Remember merchants tabs
- Items you can buy are highlighted
- New Merchants Goods Timer (on the main menu)
- Advanced Pantheon Interface
- Quests ordered (by categories)
- Quests detailed rewards
- Advanced Arena Interface
- Order players by level on Server Arena and Server Arena Turma
- Arena clear buttons
- Advanced Packages Interface:
- All items in one page
- Total item values are displayed
- Addon Options
- Advanced Player Interface
- Simulator Button (DarkThanos.net)
- Show which item stats points are coming from clear points and which from percent bonus
- Visible type of fighter over enemy's mercenaries (Medic, Damage, Protect yourself)
- Mercenaries of an opponent are now visible (stats etc.)
- Player Stats page ratios and totals
- Quests Timer
- GCA Premium System
- DarkThanos.net Simulator
- Advanced Sent Message Interface
- Cursor focus in message
- List of friends and guild mates to choose a player that will get the message
- Last Time Attacked Counters (green = protected, grey = arena turma is disabled)
- No Log In Features
- Mercenaries used are now visible (stats etc.)
- Arert on weapon down
- Traveling interface
- Improved Inteface (disabled buttons and menus that you can not visit)
- You can sent guild mails!
- Custom Guild's Image (Guilds Images are saved from where you change the real guild image NOT from the description)
- Custom Player's Image (Player Images are saved from costumes NOT from options)
- Storage Info (Under every bag! Guild, Overview, Merchants...)
- Items that will give you more Life Point than you need when eat, will be transparent
- Bug Fixes
- (Gladiatus Version 1.10.0 Fixes)
- Number of items bided or not in the auction
- More levels in auction search
- Items name list in auction/market search
- Clear buttons in auction/market search
- Removed
- The auction compare feature was removed since Gameforge copied it :P
- Improvements
- The search item feature was moved above every merchant (top right). The search is now not case sensitive (Capital letters or not it does not have difference)
- Simulator is now working even if there is a cooldown time
- Bug Fixes
- Error on reports posted from guildmates when you are not authorised to see it
- Market Clear [X] was not working
- The problem with the images in the report was fixed
- Simulator in a player's profil will work even if you are in a cool down time
- Error with the top bar with players under 10 level
- GCA Chat is now useless - disabled
- (Gladiatus Version 1.9.0 Fixes)
- Auction Timer
- Player image in reports
- Translations
- Greek Translation fixes
- Russian translation was added (up to v2.9.0) by Мелкий
- Estonian translation was added (up to v2.9.0) by Cougar
- Hungarian translation was updated (up to v2.9.0) by H2O
- Spanish translation was added (up to v2.9.0) by elcoso
- Improvements
- Items cost info box under every merchant
- Items cost info box for player's bag in the guild storage
- Name of Attacker and Defender are now displayed when you announce a report to the guild
- Auto gold collect button in the packages (looting the gold of the page you are browsing)
- In the "building update cost per player" culculator, now the gold in bank can be calculated
- You can now click the bar's (that appears when you scroll down) expedition/dungeon points to go to each of these pages
- Now when you select to see the heal stat of every player you will be able to see the threat of the player too (if it exist)
- Resistance and Block values will be shown next to armor stat and Critical value next to damage (with small gray letters)
- The total number of player entries in your guild are now shown under your guild member list (visit the guild bank log at least once first)
- The custom player image system will now fix the problem in your reports, where you can't change back to your player's stats if you choose a merchant
- Share your Gladiatus player on facebook by clicking the share button in overview
- Save battle reports and share them in facebook! (P.S.: turma reports are a little buggy and the reports will not work on Chrome)
- "Guild Life" was completely remade because Gameforge found out the bug we were using
- New item search feature (left menu option)
- Bug Fixes
- Small space above the player in overview
- Items cost info box was not working for the fifth bag (V)
- Announce report to guild optimization
- A bunch of error messages (13 errors)
- Auction tooltips confusion when you select the "All" option
- Problem causing "Invalid Link" at messages with GCA links in the messages
- The images stored in apo.user.uth.gr are now store in the addon(as base64 in the code) -> No loading/slow-down problems any more
- Turma attack reminder, redirect problem
(Gladiatus version 1.8.0 fixes) - Custom image system (some improvement on what you want to see, image or costume) -> Visit the settings (Images Settings)
- Simulator
- Items cost info box was not working for the sixth bag (VI)
- Translations
- Czech translation was updated (up to v2.8.0) by WiLLsTeiN, also subfixes where added thanks to the Czech forum
- Portuguese translation was updated (up to v2.8.0) by Brutuz
- Bulgarian translation was updated (up to v2.8.0) by prince_of_heLL
- Hungarian translation was updated (up to v2.8.0) by H2O
- Improvements
- Profil simulator will again be available
- Inventory info in overview and merchants
- Better position for the lost life points number in overview
- The maximum stat value is again visible in the training field
- Custom gladiatus page title
- "Cancel All" items button at guild market
- Announce your fight reports to your guild and they will be able to go to directry to your fight report
- New bar at the top, showing your gold, when you have scroll down
- An event banner will inform you when there is a new add-on version
- Bug Fixes
- Shortcut buttons
- Guild bank features
- Donate button
- More gold in guild war camp feature
- Display online friends
- Guild buildings features
- Guild image
- Sent quick guild message
- Online guildmates button will not work when you visit merchants because of the infamous sell items bug
- Player's caracter is again invisible in "online guildmates" and a previously missing player will be visible
- Show new messages optimization
- Items tooltips when you browse the reports where not working (because of the chat)
- Small fix with the GCA News (no server requests on every reload)
- Translations
- German translation was updated by Benschi86
- Bug Fixes
- Error in guild buildings page
- Error in players stats page
- 2 error when using Firefox version under 5
- Error in guild storage page
- Improvements
- Show new messages is no longer in a BETA stage (the number and the highlight icon will not disappear) BUT it is still a little buggy
- Alert for the expiring packages is no longer in a BETA stage (the number and the highlight icon will not disappear)
- You can now see the fighting style of the mercenaries of an opponent
- Attacked Timers where improved and refixed (they are now much faster)
- New directly "Donate All" button at the header
- The "show more player stats" feature is now working properly again and stats were added for turma-alena too
- Small changes in the "Manage Mercenaries" box
- Script's run time at the bottom of the page
- Code optimization (~5ms faster as a script)
- Different timers for the cross server fights (XS=CrossServer, 30min, the attacker must also gain money)
- While traveling improvements (travel mode)
- New shortcut button on the header leading to the simulator
- You can now change the items you want to compare in auction! (will not work for the "All" option with more than 300 items because of run time)
- The number of guild for the feature "more guild stats" is now changeable in settings (n<=99, but i suggest you not to raise it too much)
- Bug Fixes
- Simulator was slightly improved
- 2 errors while traveling
- An error in some translations (causing "Undefined")
- "See new messages" was enabled by default -> now it's not
- Small error leading to a huge bug
- Error in quests when you are less than 10 level (quest info now works for very low level players too)
- Sent quick message and warn guild about the auction status were not working when you were not a guild administrator
- Huge compatibility fixes in right to left align servers (thanks Persia Prince for informing us)
- Quick guild message was not working properly when using the '&' character
- The add-on was not running in the Arabic server, now it does ^^
- Not readable characters in dealer timer and in guild life features
- Error when you browse battle reports but there were no battles
- Attacked timers were counting the cross server fights too
- Simulator couldn't find the player you was searching
- The Chat icon (in the test server) is now visible even with the attacked timers enabled
- Error when you are not an administrator and you visit "Guild Life"
- Translations
- Hungarian translation was updated (for v2.7.0) by H2O
- Italian translation was added (up to v2.7.0) by tiberius8
- Polish translation was added (up to v2.6.0) by Cysiek
- Persian translation was added (up to v2.7.0) by Persia Prince
- Portuguese translation was added (up to v2.7.0) Brutuz
- Czech translation was added (up to v2.7.0) WiLLsTeiN
- Improvements
- Simulator was slightly improved (thanks Belle)
- Timer for the merchants (without pulling info = faster)
- Remade quests timer (without pulling info = faster)
- Quest info box when you mouseover "Quests" option in left menu
- Display options in guildmates fight list (Display Attacks, Defences and Friendly fights)
- Menu shortcuts [+] for overview
- You can now send quick guild messages by mouseover the guild message shortcut
- Menu shortcut [+] for the second auction
- New tab at the guild medic center (named "Guild Life") showing the life of every player in the guild
- Confirmation box when you are trying to renew the merchants
- Add-on's version is now shown next to game's version
- Calculator for guild buildings upgrades. The gold each player must pay based his/her level. Players can be excluded and fixed gold can be applied.
- Menu shortcut for the Gods tab (on Pantheon)
- Bug Fixes
- Some translation errors
- Alert with the medal of honor in packages
- Different color (ala Gladiatus style) in the extended life and exp at the header
- Quest timer now works when you are at merchants and this feature is now default enabled
- Translation is now available for the "Generate Signature Image" feature
- Alert "document.getElementById('submitButton') is null"
- Guild custom images now work in pre attack page, Custom Guild Images now work EVERYWHERE in Gladiatus
- Alert when you do not have guild (and use the shortcuts): at guild message, at medic center, at war camp, at library (these may also fix alerts while traveling)
- [+All] button (guild bank) was appearing when traveling and when you didn't have a guild
- Player custom image was not working when the fight ends with a draw
- Minor bug in messages
- Simulator monster list style fixes
- New "details" icon in guild members reports style fixes
- Header style (images)
- Training features
- Player images
- Some ratio cases in market
- Translations
- Hugarian translation was updated (for v2.5.2) by H2O
- Dutch translation was updated (for v2.5.2) by Homerus
- Bulgarian translation by Jivko Ianev
- Improvements
- Clear input button next to where you search a player to hit in turma and arena
- More stats at the guild member list (Total honor, Average Level, number of online/offline players)
- Green/Red check character in auction items if you can / cannot afford them
- More options for the "Color/Highlight the input" feature
- At training you can now see how much points you do not use in every stat (with red color)
- Gold Limit filter in auction (Caution: you can NOT use both "Minimum-Damage" / "+???" and "Gold Limit" filter at the same time)
- A confirmation message to the auction filter button when 'Type of Object - All' is selected
- Manage Merchants box under your dungeon player and your merchants
- Style fix: At guild bath the shoutbox will not be resized when you write sth too big
- Announce to guild the auction status button is now always available (and for all countries)
- Support of servers with write from RIGHT to LEFT (Servers: ae, ir, co.il)
- More guild shortcut buttons
- 5 different generated signatures can now be supported (works when the server is not down, 2 available now)
- Better life view
- More links available in the menu
- Fight reminder (Beta feature)
- Bug Fixes
- Compare stats mode: wrong position when there is a banner
- Test German Server works with English translation from this version
- Alert when visiting merchants
- Disable the autosearch for GCA News system due to Bandwidth reason
- Online players, some players where barely visible
- Player links were saved from other guild memberlist too
- Error at overview/stats image generator if your player does not have a title
- Some reports alerts (if a player does not have a title)
- The number of guilds that will have the gold stat in guild war camp was decreased to 10
- Sent guild message text area width was increased
- Bug report system was optimized/improved
- You can now see which features are BETA (with a red [BETA] at settings)
- Translations
- Hungarian translation by h2o
- Danish translation by Patrick Randrup Kl?bel
- Improvements
- Signature Generator at player's overview
- Bug Fixes
- Auction: all items same bg color
- Auction: missing ' from item list names
- Auction: damage search was searching min and not max damage
- Auction: damage search number of "items found" was wrong (+1)
- Market: item list works in market too again
- Error when going to guild (and you don't have one)
- Some other alerts (when fast changing pages)
- Improvements
- Remove simulator from Profile (GF asked this)
- Cursor at messages (not in the subject)
- Counters at training
- Button senting a message when the auction is Very Small (only for countries with translation)
- Link on the names of the guild mail senters
- Packages expired warning
- Auction list (Tomas' idea *refixed)
- More search options (Tomas' idea *refixed and improved)
- Player links in CT reports
- Better guild war icons (win/lost, using quest icons)
- See new messages
- New automatic debug system
- Better guild member reports table
- In auction you can now see the item's diference of price and value
- Button that shows your stats turns to Compare mode when you are in a profile
- Bug Fixes
- "GCA NEWS" were remade
- Attacked timers (it still has some bugs, but it generally works)
- Bugs while traveling
- The destroyed table at the bank log (clicking the button for players that are not in the guild)
- Simulator in guild: The < input > where not closing (/>), was not visible though
- Error: document.body.getElementsByTagName('script')[x] is undefined
- CT defender image wrong place
- Custom cursors will now work again
- Error: Component returned failure code: 0x804b000a (NS_ERROR_MALFORMED_URI) [nsIIOService.extractScheme] Error Link : sX.gladiatus.xy/game/index.php?mod=powerups (This must now be fixed)
- (Gladiatus v1.3.0 FIXES)
- Remove life bar
- Item's background in auction (full colored box this time)
- The levels in auction options
- The item list
- Color in items you can sell in the same price
- Small price in input which also check if there is a bider
- Bider number in auction
- Item tooltips in browse reports
- More player stats
- Translations
- Latvian translation by redpepper007
- German translation by Flaminius (s1), chrome (s3) and terror.G. (s3)
- Dutch translation by Homerus
- Improvements
- Training simulator at guild's training building
- Guild mail changes (messagebar, checkboxes)
- The "Ratio" value (food and price) of every item in the market
- Some more changes at guild's bank (log tab)
- A more info box at the Medic center
- Confirmation box when you immediately buy an item from auction
- Confirmation box when you pay a ruby to make an expedition
- New quest available or display the remaining time counter
- New forum message alert (with a [ ! ] next to forum link)
- Not wear a weapon alert (with a [ ! ] next to overview link)
- New message at "GCA News" alert (with a [ ! ] next to guild link)
- Expand the auction table (3 items in every row)
- Color the input when the item can be sold in the same price at merchants
- BBCODE at messages + pm style changed
- Chat (Guild, Country and Global)
- Remember your inventory's and merchant's tabs system
- Package counters
- GCA News available at guild's baths
- Default player images list :)
- Tooltips on dropped items when browsing the reports
- Red background for the food items that gives more life points that needed (at overview)
- Change cursor! (wow, oxygen black, oxygen white, sword)
- Lasted attacked timers (ane for Arena And one for CT)
- Bug Fixes
- A lot of bugs where fixed!
- When the banner is displayed, so not to cover the buttons
- Item list was updated
- Translations
- French translation
- Greek translation
- Bug Fixes
- The buttons are displayed even if the banner is enabled
- Improvements
- The "Heal" stat is displayed under every player's stat box
- We manage to refix the "more stats" at guild's war camp, and will work only for the first 15 guilds :]
- djor made a new faster, cooler, better and more accurate simulator!!!
- We also made a "Storage Info" box under your guild's storage (showing number of items and total value)
- Now you can see the total gold you have spent at training
- Both 2 auction status are displayed on header
- Bug Fixes
- No more problems with options
- Old simulator was removed
- Improvements
- Displays the "Heal" stat at overviews
- Link Box was refixed
- Auto Add On's update system was removed (mozilla must autoupdate the add-on only)
- Bug Fixes
- The "Online Players" box is now working right
- Error alert in some reports
- All bugs connected to gladiatus update to version 1.2.0
- Improvements
- All auction changes are again available (the item list is NOT updated yet)
- "Online Players" Button is back
- Change Guild's image is also available
- A "Highlight affordable items" system is now intergrated (items you can't buy will be a little transparent and items which needs rubins will have a red background)
- A new options system is now available
- The "About Us" tab is now available
- A new update system is also intergrated
- We also made some style fixes to gladiatus
- Bug Fixes
- Player's image compartibility with firefox 4
- Some player's image problems
- Improvements (all previous version features does not exist)
- Simulator on every opponent's profile
- Lifebar on header
- Shortcut buttons on header
- Auction status on header
- Bug Fixes
- Code re-scripted for Gladiatus version 1.0.0
- Improvements
- Simulator was intergrated (openglad.net, thanks Dr. Gregory House)
- New window to browse online guildmates
- New bug system
- Some features are now working in the new Germany's test server
- Bug Fixes
- A lot of bugs where fixed
- Translations
- Polish translation by s17pl//gr-listek
- French translation by Seb
- Dutch translation by Dr. Gregory House
- Bug Fixes
- Some bugs were fixed
- Improvements
- Autofill priced in auction
- The addon works on Arabic servers
- Bug Fixes
- Some bugs were fixed
- The Jeweller options (hide/normal/default) where removed
- The adblocker was removed
- (the 2 above changes were made after contact with Gameforge)
- Translations
- Czech translation by Marty
- Arabic translation by Mero2001
- Improvements
- Snow for the christmas
- On mouse over the life bar more info will appear
- Bug Fixes
- Error with the bubble
- Error in guild fights
- Improvements
- Custom player's image system
- Custom guild's image system
- Item list and clear search box button at auction and market
- Show how much the maximum will raise when training
- More style fixes for the Greek servers (Time and button while traveling)
- Bug Fixes
- The auction background colors where made faster and limit of items in order to work is now 150
- Improvements
- Show "Basic Points" when training
- In the war master hall, the guild list shows the number of guilds you can hit, the gold and the level ? of each guild
- More stats are available at each player's stats page
- More style fixes for the Greek servers (library and markets)
- Package item's value counter added
- Bug Fixes
- Auction "add more levels" bug at small level players
- Chat tab images
- Report header problem
The version number format changed
- Bug Fixes
- The bug with alert box in messages was fixed
- Improvements
- Timers for arena, mission, dungeons and dealers where added
- Added packaged gold counter
- A tab with links at the right was added
- Added link at the messages for the last/first page
- Improvements
- The "Message Bubble" does not removes the icon's Highlight any more
- Bug Fixes
- Chat error without guild is now fixed
- When sending pm error was fixed
- Auction no items error was fixed
First Beta version
Ignore source code. Invalid source link.