Releases: DinoDevs/GladiatusCrazyAddon
Releases · DinoDevs/GladiatusCrazyAddon
Release v3.2.6
- Bug Fixes
- Firefox Version problems resolved
- Auction chrash fix
- Arena short enemies by level fixed
- Quests get time bug fixed
- Guild Library interface crash fixed
- Merchands fade items that you cant buy fixed
- Guild warcamp, member reports raided gold buttons interface fixed
- Guild jail layout fixed
- Translations
- [pl] Polish translation updates
History of releases
All previous versions changelog before we moved to github.
- Improvements
- Cancel button on market re-enabled/fixed
- By default all checked on guild message interface
- Bug Fixes
- Attacked timers icons fixed
- Attacked timers, get attacked time fixed (in reports list)
- Fixed get reward item's data (in reports list)
- Player icon link changed to "P" (in advance menu)
- Fixed a bug on reading the merchandaries modes
- Fixed guild message interface
- Fixed guild library scroll's level background
- Fixed guild jail enemy's level background
- Fixed auction house item's level background
- Translations
- (Translate System) Added edit/view urls of the translations for the translators
- If any name below is not correct, sorry (we don't track people :P)
- (ar) Arabic translation updates by Mohamed3342
- (es) Spanish translation updates by JotaFraG
- (fa) Farsi translation updates by .WhiteGladiatur.
- (he) Hebrew translation updates by koritze, niko
- (hr) Croatian translation updates by mijo.vkci
- (hu) Hungarian translation updates by Adamus23
- (pl) Polish translation updates by and bujekx
- ( have no idea ... he just translates :P)
- (pt) Portuguese translation updates by Bazzi
- (ru) Russian translation updates by M33312
- (Translate System) Added edit/view urls of the translations for the translators
- Improvements
- Clicking on a player's link in messages don't close message
- Bug Fixes
- Addon not working bug (failed to read server time)
- Get reward items on reports (imported re-scripted code from version 4)
- Market fixed (fixed market info tooltip)
- Auction fixed guild message
- Menu fixed (active menu item was not visible)
- Training gold spent visual fixed
- Guild Gladiatorius protected from attacks guild members fixed
- Guild madic fixed
- Fixed error in turma in passive mode
- Attack timers fixes (gladiatus month bug)
- Bug Fixes
- Auction House features fixed
- Merchands Item search fixed
- Guild library fixed
- Storage Info fixed
- Storage show items you can buy fixed
- Guild Search for players now works (added max-min swap if max < min)
- Enemy drops display fix
- Bug Fixes
- Support for new gladiatus update "v2.4.0_pl4" (https protocol implemented)
- Improvements
- Online Players : New layout of the upcomming version 4.0.0
- Bug Fixes
- Support for new gladiatus update "v2.3.1_pl4" (game url changed)
- Improvements
- Materials most dropped from enemies are shown (45% & 25% if a material is dropped)
- Bug Fixes
- Swapped players' custom images in reports poblem was fixed
- Custom image error in dungeon reports was fixed
- (Gladiatus Version 2.1.2 fixes)
- Extended HP-EXP info was fixed
- Shortcuts bar: guild library link was fixed
- Shortcuts bar: guild storage link was fixed
- Shortcuts bar: guild market link was fixed
- Auction features were fixed
- Guild members list: attacked times were fixed
- Guild upgrade calculator style was fixed
- Guild library: advanced UI was fixed
- Guild bank: advanced UI was fixed
- Guild war camp: advanced UI was fixed
- Guild medic: advanced UI was fixed
- Highlight items you can buy was fixed (not dynamic)
- Player/merchants info boxes were fixed (not dynamic)
- Removed (Temporary because of Gladiatus v2.1.2)
- (However, options are still available for this features :P)
- "Minutes left for full life" was removed
- EXP and gold stats were removed
- Advance Overview stats were removed (item analyse)
- Block, Avoid caps were removed
- "Food you can eat" was removed
- Mercenaries Management was removed
- "Show mercenaries tooltips" was removed
- "Right to Left" tooltips fix was removed
- Package button tooltip was removed
- Inventory previews were removed
- Weapon down alert was removed
- Drag'n'drop fixes were removed
- Auction new item types list auto-populate was removed
- All messages' features were removed
- All package' features were removed
- Open all mystery boxes button was removed
- "Show player's buffs" was removed
- Training Advance UI was removed
- Improvements
- Packages: Page preview improvements
- Anonymous report item drops (smelt items) to server (upcoming site section)
- Packages Expire Notification: Tooltip with the next expire hours on packages button
- Auction: Added again price/value % from "hide your gold" items + style improvements
- Forge: Button under your bag to automatic forge all required materials from bag
- Forge: Links to your bag and the market of the remaining required smelt items
- Mystery Box: Button to automatic open all boxes (but you will not see what you won)
- Bug Fixes
- Packages: Page preview fixes
- Overview: Remaining time for Full Life (position in life tooltip) fix
- Storage Info: Max items number was changed from 32 to 40 (bigger bag since Gl v2.0.1)
- Global: fixed 4 errors when you have more than 1.000 rubies
- (Gladiatus Version 2.0.1_pl2 fixes)
- Overview: Wrong Player/Mercenary functions were running (because of the player save)
- Improvements
- Options: Added option to disable the report to guild button in auction
- Options: Added option to disable the last attacked timers
- Options: Added option to disable the quest status/timer
- Options: Premium Key remaining days live update on key saving
- Packages: Premium View, package paging improvements
- Auction: Sound added on "Status Change" notification (sounds must be enabled)
- Guild Members List: See which members have been attacked within 75 min
- Guild War Camp: Button that shows the raided gold next to each attack
- Bug Fixes
- Auction: Removed price/value % from "hide your gold" items
- Packages: Loaded pages with search options fix
- Packages: Pages links with search options fix
- Firefox: Sound notifications fix
- Advance Main menu: compatibility fixes for low level players