Integrates Five-Server and Neovim. View dynamic and static pages.
- Bebug via notify (optional)
- Log file (optional)
- Supports fiveserverrc
- Automatic installation with NPM or PNPM
- No global installation required
- Multiple instances in a single Neovim session
cmd = { "FiveServer" },
build = function()
require "fs.utils.install"()
opts = {
notify = true,
-- add other options
config = function(_, opts)
use {
cmd = { "FiveServer" },
run = function()
require "fs.utils.install"()
config = function()
notify = true,
-- add other options
These are the standard options. Change them according to your needs.
-- configure debug.
debug = {
-- enables or disables debug.
enabled = false,
-- log filename.
file_name = "fs-debug.log",
-- Five Server bin directory.
-- if installed globally, use: `bin = "five-server"`
bin = vim.fn.stdpath("data") .. "/five-server/node_modules/.bin/five-server",
-- Directory for installing Five Server
path = vim.fn.stdpath("data") .. "/five-server",
-- notifications on the interface.
notify = true,
-- configure Five Server RC.
fiveserverrc = {
-- RC generation settings.
gen_rc = {
-- generate RC before starting Five Server.
before_start = false,
-- forces the RC to be generated. If a RC already exists, it will be overwritten.
force = false,
-- RC filename (not recommended to change).
path = ".fiveserverrc",
-- settings to be saved in Five-Server RC.
-- the key name and value will be used.
config = {
-- set the server port.
port = 5500,
-- the output level.
logLevel = 3,
-- see all options in:
Configure Five-Server differently for each directory, using fiverserverrc
. All options available: types.ts
In the base directory, create the file .fiveserverrc
"port": 5500,
"open": "index.html"
All commands use auto complete, allowing you to use flags to change their behavior.
:FiveServer start
: starts an instance in the current directory.
:FiveServer start --force
: force start another instance in the current directory.
:FiveServer stop
: stop instance of current directory.
:FiveServer stop <id>
: enter the ID of the instance to be stopped (all valid IDs will be provided).
:FiveServer gen_rc
: generates a config file based on the user configuration.
:FiveServer gen_rc --force
: generates a config file based on the user options. If a config already exists, it will be overwritten.
:FiveServer install
: install the five-server client using NPM or PNPM.