Diversity renderer in javascript. One for the browser, diversity-renderer.js
one for the server, diversity-server.js
is meant to ease development of components and themes.
- clone this repo
npm install
- download a json settings file: http://git.diversity.io/shop-themes/aficionado/blob/master/aficionado.json
node diversity-server.js 11011 aficionado
node diversity-server.js <webshopid> <themeid|theme-name> [<auth>]
The server needs a webshop uid and either a theme id (to be used with Theme.get) or the name of the theme component to use. In that case it will use the defaults from the settings schema of the component for the settings data. If the a theme id is used and but it isn't active you also need a auth key to access it.
The server downloads any components needed under the deps/
folder. It does this at the first
request and it can take quite some time.
To issue a git pull on all deps just restart the server or do a request to the magical url /reset
When developing just symlink your component into the deps folder, this can also be done with components that doesn't even have a repo yet.
- Translation support isn't implemented
- The latest version of a component will always be used, to "downgrade" manually checkout a tag