This repository provides the code for the paper "FedFisher: Leveraging Fisher Information for One-Shot Federated Learning" by Divyansh Jhunjhunwala, Shiqiang Wang, and Gauri Joshi, published in AISTATS 2024.
Our results can be replicated by running the file
. The file takes the following arguments.
• --dataset
: Choice of dataset. Possible choices are FashionMNIST
, CIFAR100
, and GTSRB
. Note that for CINIC10
, the train and test data first needs to be downloaded from
• --model
: The model to use. Possible choices are LeNet
, and ResNet18
• --algs_to_run
: The one-shot algorithms to run. Note that you can specify more than one algorithm. Possible choices are fedavg
, otfusion
, pfnm
, regmean
, dense
, fisher_merge
, fedfisher_diag
and fedfisher_kfac
• --seed
: Seed for reproducibility. The default value is 0.
• --alpha
: Heterogeneity parameter when splitting the dataset across clients. The default value is 0.1.
• --num_clients
: Number of clients in the setup. The default value is 5.
• --num_rounds
: Number of rounds of local training and aggregation. The default value is 1.
• --local_epochs
: Number of local epochs run by clients. The default value is 30.
• --use_pretrained
: Whether to use a pre-trained model or not. The default value is False.
An example of a command to run
is given below:
python --dataset 'FashionMNIST' --model 'LeNet' --local_epochs 30 --algs_to_run 'fedfisher_kfac' 'fedavg'
• The pfnm
algorithm only works with LeNet
and CNN
• The --use_pretrained
only works when using the ResNet18
model. We have also provided the pre-trained checkpoint
which is a ResNet18 model pre-trained on downsampled 32x32 TinyImageNet dataset.
• We are using a modified ResNet18
architecture without BatchNorm layers to be compatible with all algorithms.
Requirements can be found in the requirements.txt file.
• The code for otfusion
algorithm is adopted from
• The code for regmean
algorithm is adopted from
• The code for pfnm
algorithm is adopted from
• The code for dense
algorithm is adopted from