The unsung melody, fusing ultrasound sensor for distance measurement and translating that to sound. Some of the participants to tried this recall it to being similar to Theremin
On the E3 music scale, it represents the top string of a guitar. The present code has 2 modes:
- Smoke on the water mode: When the Strum button is kept pressed, the code checks if the opening seven notes of Smoke on the Water is correct. This a fretted mode of the guitar.
- WahWah mode: When the wahwah button is kept pressed, the guitar fret board becomes a un-fretted, thereby all the tones inbetween the notes can be played.
Things to use:
- Arduino Uno rev.3:
- Ultrasound sensor:
- A salvaged desktop speaker:
- Optional: Fancy RGB-LED:
On the Arduino, install the following libraries:
- Include the Arduino-volume library as detailed here
- The volume out from the Arduino comes on pin 5, see:
- The audio output from pin 5 is PWM. Connect the speaker via a resistor and a transistor as shown here: Calculate how much is the drop in the voltage across the collector and emitter of the transistor you are using. I used a 900 Ohm resistor.
- The wahwah mode at times is not free flowing. In effect this is due to the delay in reading the pin. A workaround could be to simply comment out the "strum part" of the code and keep only the ones related to WahWah.
Main code snippet of E3_MusicInYou.ino
#include "Volume.h" // Include the Volume library
Volume vol; // Plug your speaker into the default pin for your board type:
// Ultrasound
int inputPinDist = 3; //ECHO pin
int outputPinDist = 2; //TRIG pin
int TurnOnLEDNum = 2; // which pin to blink for LED
int WinLEDPin = 12; // Winning LED: Smoke on the Water
int startStrumPin = 10; // Blue light from LED to give the user the start of sequence
#define NUM_OF_LEDS 4
int ArrayOfLEDPins[NUM_OF_LEDS] = {4, 6, 7, 8};
int strumPin = 11; // Keep this pressed to play
int wahwahPin = 9; // Continuous sound
#define DELAY_NOTES 1000 // seconds
#define LEN_EACH_NOTE 3
#define NUM_NOTES 12
char ExpectedRiff[LEN_EACH_NOTE * NUM_NOTES] = "E2G2A2E2G2A2#A2E2G2A2G2E2";
#define NUM_NOTES 3
char ExpectedRiff[LEN_EACH_NOTE * NUM_NOTES] = "E2G2A2";
#define NUM_NOTES 7
char ExpectedRiff[LEN_EACH_NOTE * NUM_NOTES] = "E3G3A3E3G3A3#A3"; // 0 3 5 0 3 6 5
char SmokeOnTheWaterRiff[LEN_EACH_NOTE * NUM_NOTES] = {0}; // GLOBAL VARIABLE
uint32_t ledBlink;
void setup() {
pinMode(WinLEDPin, OUTPUT);
digitalWrite(WinLEDPin, HIGH);
pinMode(startStrumPin, OUTPUT);
digitalWrite(startStrumPin, LOW);
for (int i = 0; i < NUM_OF_LEDS; i++)
pinMode(ArrayOfLEDPins[i], OUTPUT);
digitalWrite(ArrayOfLEDPins[i], HIGH);
// Ultrasound
pinMode(inputPinDist, INPUT);
pinMode(outputPinDist, OUTPUT);
Serial.begin(57600); //serial port to computer
delay(1000);//while (!Serial); //wait for Serial to be available - remove this line after successful test run
vol.tone(82, 255); // 82 Hz, Note:E2
vol.fadeOut(1000); // Start a 1 s fade out
vol.delay(1000); // Wait for this fade to finish
pinMode(strumPin, INPUT);
pinMode(wahwahPin, INPUT);
digitalWrite(wahwahPin, HIGH); // To overcome loose wires
digitalWrite(WinLEDPin, LOW);
void loop() {
ledBlink = (ledBlink == HIGH) ? LOW : HIGH;
digitalWrite(LED_BUILTIN, ledBlink); // LED toggle
// Ultrasound
float distance = measureDistance();
if (distance > 2) {
float freq = mapDistToFreq(distance);
Serial.print("Distance = "); Serial.print(distance); Serial.print(" cm; Freq. = "); Serial.print(freq); Serial.println(" Hz");
if (digitalRead(strumPin) == LOW) {
if (digitalRead(wahwahPin) == LOW) {
vol.tone(freq, 255);
for (int i = 0; i < NUM_OF_LEDS; i++)
if (TurnOnLEDNum == ArrayOfLEDPins[i])
digitalWrite(TurnOnLEDNum, HIGH);
digitalWrite(ArrayOfLEDPins[i], LOW);
float measureDistance(void)
digitalWrite(outputPinDist, HIGH); //Trigger ultrasonic detection
digitalWrite(outputPinDist, LOW);
float distance = pulseIn(inputPinDist, HIGH); //Read ultrasonic reflection
distance = distance / 58; //Calculate distance
return (distance);
void lightenUpAllLEDs(int highOrLow, int delayTime)
for (int i = 0; i < NUM_OF_LEDS; i++)
digitalWrite(ArrayOfLEDPins[i], highOrLow);
if (delayTime > 0)
void gameOn(void)
lightenUpAllLEDs(LOW, 0);
lightenUpAllLEDs(LOW, 0);
while (1)
if (digitalRead(strumPin) == LOW)
memset(SmokeOnTheWaterRiff, 0, NUM_NOTES * sizeof(char));
for (int i = 0; i < NUM_NOTES; i++)
float dist = measureDistance();
float freq = mapDistToFreq(dist - 2); // HACK! the damn offset! why the bonk does the sensor act differently!
if (0 == i) {
digitalWrite(startStrumPin, HIGH);
} else {
digitalWrite(startStrumPin, LOW);
vol.tone(freq, 255);
if (0 == strcmp(ExpectedRiff, SmokeOnTheWaterRiff))
lightenUpAllLEDs(HIGH, 0);
digitalWrite(WinLEDPin, HIGH);
float mapDistToFreq(float distance)
float freq = 27.5; // All in Hz
char str[] = "A0";
if ((36 > distance) && (distance >= 30)) {
freq = 164.8; strcpy(str, "E3"); // E
TurnOnLEDNum = ArrayOfLEDPins[0];
} else if ((30 > distance) && (distance >= 26)) {
freq = 174.6; strcpy(str, "F3"); // F
} else if ((26 > distance) && (distance >= 22)) {
freq = 185; strcpy(str, "F3#"); // F#
} else if ((22 > distance) && (distance >= 17)) {
freq = 196; strcpy(str, "G3"); // G
TurnOnLEDNum = ArrayOfLEDPins[1];
} else if ((17 > distance) && (distance >= 12)) {
freq = 207.7; strcpy(str, "G3#"); // G#
} else if ((12 > distance) && (distance >= 7)) {
freq = 220; strcpy(str, "A3"); // A
TurnOnLEDNum = ArrayOfLEDPins[2];
} else if ((7 > distance) && (distance >= 2)) {
freq = 233.1; strcpy(str, "A3#"); // A#
TurnOnLEDNum = ArrayOfLEDPins[3];
Serial.print("Note: ");
Serial.print(" Dist: ");
strcat(SmokeOnTheWaterRiff, str);
return (freq);