Thank you for taking the time to look at Dlayer, I've been working on this project for many years including the inevitable restarts, it has taken an inordinate amount of work to finally get here, now that I have a stable base I'm hoping to grow the project.
I am working towards reinstating the Website Manager and the Media Library. As soon as they are back into the app, I can move towards making Dlayer create a website and then its main selling point, widgets.
v1.13 - Released 18th February 2017
Dlayer is a responsive web development tool aimed primarily at users that don't have any web design or web development experience.
- Copyright: G3D Development Limited
- Author: Dean Blackborough
- License
- Contribute?: If you would like to contribute to Dlayer, please review the coding standards at
- Jquery and Bootstrap 3 (Bower)
- Zend Framework 1.12 (Included in Library)
- PHP MySQL Quill Renderer (via Composer)
Please check the documentation at - the documentation is currently a little sparse, I am in the progress of moving it to
I am working towards improving the set-up/reset process for Dlayer, until then, please follow the steps below.
- Set-up your development environment. I have written a blog post on setting up a suitable environment on a Linux machine,
- I will assume your local environment is at
- Clone the project
- Create database and user
- Browse to /public and run
$ bower install
- Edit /application/configs/application.ini
- Edit /application/configs/environment.php
- Browse to /public and run
$ sass --watch scss:css
- Setup the database, go to to create/import database
- Sign-in to demo