Backend Service which can be used for creation a custom podcasts (sets of episodes) based on fetched public media resources.
This project provides a backend (API service) and is positioned as an updated version of podcast application.
This application can be used for creation your podcasts.
If you have any sounds (or YouTube videos as example) which you want to listen later, you can create podcast (via web interface) and attach your tracks to it
Created podcast (with prepared episodes) will have a direct link (to RSS feed), which can be used for adding your podcast to same podcast application (Add by URL
Adding and downloading each new episodes will refresh RSS-feed and your APP will be able to get them.
- python 3.13
- Starlette
- RQ (background tasks)
- yt-dlp (download audio tracks from external media platforms)
- redis (key-value storage + RQ)
- ffmpeg (audio postprocessing)
Technically project contains from 3 parts:
- AUTH service (JWT-based)
- PODCAST service (CRUD API for podcasts/episodes)
- Some tools and engines for fetching episodes from external resources (YouTube as for now)
- episodes
- generated RSS feeds
- download sounds from requested resource
- perform sound and prepare mp3 files with
- generate RSS feed file (xml) with episodes (by specification
cp .env.template .env
# update variables to actual (redis, postgres, etc.)
export $(cat .env | grep -v ^# | xargs)
docker run --name postgres-etc -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=${DATABASE_PASSWORD} -d postgres:10.11
docker run --name redis-etc -d redis
export $(cat .env | grep -v ^# | xargs)
cd "<PATH_TO_PROJECT>" && make migrate
- Run via docker-containers (like in production mode)
cd "<PATH_TO_PROJECT>" && docker-compose up --build
- Run in develop-mode
# install pipenv
pipenv install --dev
make run_web
# or
make run_rq
- work with migrations
make migrations_create_auto # auto-creation
make migrations_create_manual # manual-creation
make migrate # apply all migrations
make downgrade # unapply with param `revision=1231`
make migrations # show applied migrations
- Run tests
cd "<PATH_TO_PROJECT>"/src && pytest
- Apply formatting (
) and lint code (pylint
make lint
argument | description | example |
APP_HOST | App default host running (used by docker compose) | |
APP_PORT | App default port running (used by docker compose) | 9000 |
APP_SERVICE | Run service (web/celery/test) via | web |
SECRET_KEY | Django secret key (security) | abc3412j345j1f2d3f |
SITE_URL | URL address to the UI-part of the podcast APP | |
SERVICE_URL | URL address to the BE-part of the podcast APP | |
DB_HOST | PostgreSQL database host | |
DB_PORT | PostgreSQL database port | 5432 |
DB_NAME | PostgreSQL database name | podcast |
DB_USERNAME | PostgreSQL database username | podcast |
DB_PASSWORD | PostgreSQL database password | podcast_asf2342 |
S3_STORAGE_URL | URL to S3-like file storage | |
S3_ACCESS_KEY_ID | Public key to S3 storage | |
S3_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY | Secret key to S3 storage | |
S3_REGION_NAME | S3 region | |
S3_BUCKET_NAME | S3 bucket | podcast-media |
S3_BUCKET_AUDIO_PATH | S3 dir for episodes | audio |
S3_BUCKET_IMAGES_PATH | S3 dir for images (episode,podcast covers) | images |
S3_BUCKET_RSS_PATH | S3 dir for generated RSS feeds | rss |
argument | description | default |
JWT_EXPIRES_IN | Default time for token's lifespan | 300 (sec) |
APP_DEBUG | Run app in debug mode | False |
LOG_LEVEL | Allows to set current logging level | DEBUG |
SENTRY_DSN | Sentry dsn (if not set, error logs won't be sent) | |
REDIS_HOST | Redis host | localhost |
REDIS_PORT | Redis port | 6379 |
REDIS_DB | Redis db | 0 |
REDIS_PROGRESS_PUBSUB_CH | Subscribe channel name for progress events | channel:episodes-progress |
DB_NAME_TEST | Custom name for DB name for tests | DB_NAME + _test |
SENDGRID_API_KEY | Is needed for sending Email (invite, passw., etc) | |
DB_ECHO | Sending all db queries to stdout | False |
DB_ECHO | Sending all db queries to stdout | False |
SMTP_HOST | SMTP host for sending email | |
SMTP_PORT | SMTP port for sending email | 462 |
SMTP_USERNAME | SMTP credential for sending email | |
SMTP_PASSWORD | SMTP credential for sending email | |
SMTP_STARTTLS | SMTP starttls config | |
SMTP_USE_TLS | SMTP use tls config | true |
SMTP_FROM_EMAIL | Default email for sending | |
SENS_DATA_ENCRYPT_KEY | Key for sensdata encryption | aa&nhn-ka7tq6i+22ks2ya5x |
This product is released under the MIT license. See LICENSE for details.