To find and start a conversation with friends. An interactive application that allows you to search and connect with new and existing friends.
- Node (v18.12)
- NPM (8.19.2)
- Jest (v29.3.1) for unit testing on the backend.
- Cypress for end-to-end testing and component testing on the frontend.
- Tailwind CSS (v2.2.19) for styling.
- Mongoose to model objects in MongoDB.
- Handlebars for the home template.
- ESLint for linting.
- Nodemon (2.0.20) to reload the server automatically.
- vite (3.2.3)
- vitest (0.25.2)
- BCrypt (5.0.1) for password hashing.
- useGestures (v9.0.0-beta.3) for swipe gestures.
- React Spring (v9.2.4) for animations.
- Firebase (v9.1.3) for image storage.
As a friendzone user
So I can signup with ease
I would like to login and logout.
As a friendzone user
So that I can find friends.
I would like to message all my friends.
As a friendzone user
So that I can swipe through a list of possible new friends.
I would like to see a list of my friends.
As a friendzone user
So that I can find and connect with likeminded people.
I would like to find new friends with the same interests.
As a friendzone user
So that I can find and connect with existing friends and peers.
I would like to find existing friends.
As a friendzone user
So I can group friends together by groups - politics, sports etc
I would like to be matched with likeminded people based on hobbies and activities.
Clone this repository:
git clone
Run the frontend:
cd frontend
npm install
npm run start
Fork this repository
Clone your fork to your local machine
Install Node.js dependencies for both frontend and backend (API)
; cd backend ; npm i ; cd ../frontend ; npm i
Install MongoDB
brew tap mongodb/brew brew install mongodb-community@5.0
Start MongoDB
brew services start mongodb-community@5.0
- Start the server
; cd backend ; JWT_SECRET=SUPER_SECRET npm start
- Start the front end
In a new terminal session...
; cd frontend
; npm run start
You should now be able to open your browser and go to http://localhost:3000/
which directs you to the hompeage, where you can sign-up or log in.
(Add heroku link here)
# Start the mongo terminal/REPL
# Show all databases
show dbs
# Switch to a database
use <database name>
# Show all collections in the current database
show collections
# Show all documents in a collection
db.<collection name>.find()
# Show all documents in a collection, formatted
db.<collection name>.find().pretty()
Note the use of an environment variable for the JWT secret
Start the server in test mode (so that it connects to the test DB)
; cd api
; JWT_SECRET=SUPER_SECRET npm run start:test
Then run the tests in a new terminal session
; cd api
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