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The Braga Method for Extracting Certified OCaml from Coq code

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(*   Copyright Dominique Larchey-Wendling    [*]              *)
(*             Jean-François Monin           [+]              *)
(*                                                            *)
(*                 [*] Affiliation LORIA -- CNRS              *)
(*                 [+] Affiliation VERIMAG - Univ. Grenoble   *)
(*      This file is distributed under the terms of the       *)

What is this repository for?

This repository is gallery of recursive algorithms extracted from Coq proofs serving as support for the chapter

How do I set it up?

  • This code was developed under Coq 8.11.1 but should compile from Coq 8.6+
    • Compilation was tested and succeeds on Coq 8.6.1, 8.7.2, 8.8.2, 8.9.1, 8.10.[12], 8.11.[12]
    • Compilation fails on Coq 8.5pl3
  • Get the code
    • either clone the GitHub repo, e.g. git clone
    • or download the .zip and unzip it
  • Compile the Coq code with
    • cd theories
    • make all
    • make accepts restricted targets: factb, head, listz, ns, dfs, nm, unif
  • Review the code with your favorite Coq editor
    • Beware that prior to 8.11, Coq needed dependent pattern matches to be explicited
    • So to be compatible with most versions of Coq, the code contains some explicit dependent pattern matches
  • See below for a brief description of the examples, linked with Coq source files

The list of examples:

     (* factb : int -> int *)
     let rec factb n = if n = 0 then 1 else n*factb (n-1)

Two variants of the head : α list -> α partial function:

  • one leading to error on the invalid input []
  • one entering an infinite loop on the invalid input []
    (* head [] exits on error *)
    let head = function
      | [] -> assert false (* absurd case *)
      | x::_ -> x

    (* head [] loops forever *)
    let head = function
      | [] -> let rec loop _ = loop () in loop ()
      | x::_ -> x
  • the first variant uses False_rect : ∀ (X : Type), False → X
  • the second variant uses False_elim : ∀ (X : Type), unit → False → X
    Definition False_rect (X : Type) (f : False) : X := 
      match f return X with end.

    Definition False_elim (X : Type) : unit -> False -> X :=
      fix loop x f := loop tt (match f : False with end).
    (* consr : α list -> α -> α list *)
    let rec consr l y = match l with
      | [] -> y::[]
      | x::l -> x::consr l y

    (* rev_slow_std : α list -> α list *)
    let rec rev_slow_std = function
      | [] -> []
      | x::l -> consr (rev_slow_std l) x

    (* this is NOT a recursive type, just isomorphic to (α list*α) option *)
    type α lr = Nilr | Consr of α list*α

    (* l2r : α list -> α lr *)
    let rec l2r = function
      | [] -> Nilr
      | x::l ->
      (match l2r l with
        | Nilr -> Consr ([],x)
        | Consr (m, z) -> Consr (x::m,z))

    (* zrev_slow : α list -> α list *)
    let rec zrev_slow u = match l2r u with
      | Nilr -> []
      | Consr (u,x) -> x::zrev_slow u

    (* rev_fast : α list -> α list -> α list *)
    let rec rev_fast l u = match l with
      | [] -> u
      | x::l -> rev_fast l (x::u)

    (* with f  : β -> α -> β 
        and b0 : β *)
    (* foldl_ref : α list -> β *)
    let rec foldl_ref l = match l2r l with
      | Nilr -> b0
      | Consr (u,z) -> f (foldl_ref u) z
  • mark.v: Utility tactic for marking a term
  • compo.v: Notation for functions composition
  • lr.v: Lists decomposed from the tail
  • lr_rec.v: Fake match for lists decomposed from the tail
  • revert.v: Variants of list reversal
  • foldl.v: Variants for fold left
    (* given a type α 
       with g : α -> α  
        and b : α -> bool *)

    (* ns : α -> int *)
    let rec ns x = if b x then 0 else 1+ns (g x)

    (* nsa : α -> int -> int *)
    let rec nsa x n = if b x then n else nsa (g x) (1+n) 
  • ns.v: unbounded search ns via custom domain predicates
  • ns_acc.v: unbounded search ns via Acc-based domain predicates

As an exercise suggested by J.C. Filliâtre at JFLA'24, the computation of the height of a finitely branching tree (ie. rose tree) using a zigzagging BFS algorithm implemented using two mutually recursive functions level/next:

  • the program is proved correct by construction against the following spec:
  • rtree_ht_bfs (Rt l) = 1+list_max rtree_ht_bfs l
    type rtree = Rt of rtree list
    let rec rev_app l = function
    | []   -> l
    | x::m -> rev_app (x::l) m

    let rtree_ht_bfs t =
      let rec level h n = function
      | []      -> next (S h) n
      | Rt l::c -> level h (rev_app n l) c
      and next h n = match n with
      | [] -> h
      | _  -> level h [] n
      in level 0 [] [t] 
    (* given a type α 
       with succs : α -> α list
       and  ∈ : α -> α list -> bool *)

    (* dfs : α list -> α list -> α list *)
    let rec dfs v = function
      | []   -> v
      | x::l -> if x ∈ v then dfs v l else dfs (x::v) (succs x @ l)
    type Ω = α | ω of Ω * Ω * Ω
    (* nm : Ω -> Ω *)
    let rec nm = function
      | α                => α
      | ω (α,y,z)        => ω (α,nm y,nm z)
      | ω (ω(a,b,c),y,z) => nm (ω(a,nm(ω(b,y,z)),nm(ω(c,y,z)))
    type Λ = Cst of int | Var of int | ⋄ of Λ * Λ

    (* unify : Λ -> Λ -> (int*Λ) list option *)
    unify (Cst c) (MN)  = None
    unify (MN) (Cst c)  = None
    unify (Cst c) (Var v)  = Some [(v, Const c)]
    unify (MN) (Var v)  = if occ-check (Var v) (MN) then None else Some [(v, MN)]
    unify (Var v) M        = if occ-check (Var v) M       then None else Some [(v, M)]
    unify (Cst c) (Cst d)  = if c = d then Some [] else None
    unify (MN) (M'⋄ N') = match unify M M' with
                               | None   -> None
                               | Some υ -> match unify (υ N) (υ N') with
                                 | None   -> None
                                 | Some σ -> Some (σ o υ)


The Braga Method for Extracting Certified OCaml from Coq code






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