(* Copyright Dominique Larchey-Wendling [*] *)
(* Jean-François Monin [+] *)
(* *)
(* [*] Affiliation LORIA -- CNRS *)
(* [+] Affiliation VERIMAG - Univ. Grenoble *)
(* This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
This repository is gallery of recursive algorithms extracted from Coq proofs serving as support for the chapter
- This code was developed under Coq
but should compile from Coq8.6+
- Compilation was tested and succeeds on Coq
- Compilation fails on Coq
- Compilation was tested and succeeds on Coq
- Get the code
- either clone the GitHub repo, e.g.
git clone https://github.com/DmxLarchey/The-Braga-Method.git
- or download the
- either clone the GitHub repo, e.g.
- Compile the Coq code with
cd theories
make all
accepts restricted targets:factb
- Review the code with your favorite Coq editor
- Beware that prior to
, Coq needed dependent pattern matches to be explicited - So to be compatible with most versions of Coq, the code contains some explicit dependent pattern matches
- Beware that prior to
- See below for a brief description of the examples, linked with Coq source files
(* factb : int -> int *)
let rec factb n = if n = 0 then 1 else n*factb (n-1)
Two variants of the head : α list -> α
partial function:
- one leading to error on the invalid input
- one entering an infinite loop on the invalid input
(* head [] exits on error *)
let head = function
| [] -> assert false (* absurd case *)
| x::_ -> x
(* head [] loops forever *)
let head = function
| [] -> let rec loop _ = loop () in loop ()
| x::_ -> x
- the first variant uses
False_rect : ∀ (X : Type), False → X
- the second variant uses
False_elim : ∀ (X : Type), unit → False → X
Definition False_rect (X : Type) (f : False) : X :=
match f return X with end.
Definition False_elim (X : Type) : unit -> False -> X :=
fix loop x f := loop tt (match f : False with end).
(* consr : α list -> α -> α list *)
let rec consr l y = match l with
| [] -> y::[]
| x::l -> x::consr l y
(* rev_slow_std : α list -> α list *)
let rec rev_slow_std = function
| [] -> []
| x::l -> consr (rev_slow_std l) x
(* this is NOT a recursive type, just isomorphic to (α list*α) option *)
type α lr = Nilr | Consr of α list*α
(* l2r : α list -> α lr *)
let rec l2r = function
| [] -> Nilr
| x::l ->
(match l2r l with
| Nilr -> Consr ([],x)
| Consr (m, z) -> Consr (x::m,z))
(* zrev_slow : α list -> α list *)
let rec zrev_slow u = match l2r u with
| Nilr -> []
| Consr (u,x) -> x::zrev_slow u
(* rev_fast : α list -> α list -> α list *)
let rec rev_fast l u = match l with
| [] -> u
| x::l -> rev_fast l (x::u)
(* with f : β -> α -> β
and b0 : β *)
(* foldl_ref : α list -> β *)
let rec foldl_ref l = match l2r l with
| Nilr -> b0
| Consr (u,z) -> f (foldl_ref u) z
: Utility tactic for marking a termcompo.v
: Notation for functions compositionlr.v
: Lists decomposed from the taillr_rec.v
: Fake match for lists decomposed from the tailrevert.v
: Variants of list reversalfoldl.v
: Variants for fold left
(* given a type α
with g : α -> α
and b : α -> bool *)
(* ns : α -> int *)
let rec ns x = if b x then 0 else 1+ns (g x)
(* nsa : α -> int -> int *)
let rec nsa x n = if b x then n else nsa (g x) (1+n)
: unbounded searchns
via custom domain predicatesns_acc.v
: unbounded searchns
-based domain predicates
As an exercise suggested by J.C. Filliâtre at JFLA'24, the computation of the
height of a finitely branching tree (ie. rose tree) using a zigzagging BFS algorithm
implemented using two mutually recursive functions level
- the program is proved correct by construction against the following spec:
rtree_ht_bfs (Rt l) = 1+list_max rtree_ht_bfs l
type rtree = Rt of rtree list
let rec rev_app l = function
| [] -> l
| x::m -> rev_app (x::l) m
let rtree_ht_bfs t =
let rec level h n = function
| [] -> next (S h) n
| Rt l::c -> level h (rev_app n l) c
and next h n = match n with
| [] -> h
| _ -> level h [] n
in level 0 [] [t]
(* given a type α
with succs : α -> α list
and ∈ : α -> α list -> bool *)
(* dfs : α list -> α list -> α list *)
let rec dfs v = function
| [] -> v
| x::l -> if x ∈ v then dfs v l else dfs (x::v) (succs x @ l)
: definition of the computational graphdfs_fun_bar.v
via custom domain predicatesdfs_fun_acc.v
-based domain predicatesdfs_fun.v
: switch file fordfs_fun_[bar,acc].v
: fixpoint equations and proof irrelevance fordfs
: partial correctness results fordfs
: termination characterization and extraction ofdfs
type Ω = α | ω of Ω * Ω * Ω
(* nm : Ω -> Ω *)
let rec nm = function
| α => α
| ω (α,y,z) => ω (α,nm y,nm z)
| ω (ω(a,b,c),y,z) => nm (ω(a,nm(ω(b,y,z)),nm(ω(c,y,z)))
: definition of the computational graphnm_fun_bar.v
via custom domain predicatesnm_fun_acc.v
-based domain predicatesnm_fun_mid.v
: yet another variant ofnm
by JFMnm_fun.v
: switch file fornm_fun_[bar,acc,mid].v
: fixpoint equations and proof irrelevance fornm
: partial correctness preliminaries fornm
: partial correctness results fornm
via induction-recursionnm_props_gr.v
: partial correctness results fornm
via graph inductionnm_props.v
: switch file fornm_props_[ir,gr].v
: termination characterization and extraction ofnm
type Λ = Cst of int | Var of int | ⋄ of Λ * Λ
(* unify : Λ -> Λ -> (int*Λ) list option *)
unify (Cst c) (M ⋄ N) = None
unify (M ⋄ N) (Cst c) = None
unify (Cst c) (Var v) = Some [(v, Const c)]
unify (M ⋄ N) (Var v) = if occ-check (Var v) (M ⋄ N) then None else Some [(v, M ⋄ N)]
unify (Var v) M = if occ-check (Var v) M then None else Some [(v, M)]
unify (Cst c) (Cst d) = if c = d then Some [] else None
unify (M ⋄ N) (M'⋄ N') = match unify M M' with
| None -> None
| Some υ -> match unify (υ N) (υ N') with
| None -> None
| Some σ -> Some (σ o υ)
: definition of the computational graphunif_fun_bar.v
via custom domain predicatesunif_fun_acc.v
-based domain predicatesunif_fun.v
: switch file forunif_fun_[bar,acc].v
: fixpoint equations and proof irrelevance forunif
: partial correctness results forunif
: termination characterization and extraction ofunif