An Orthanc Plugin for clearing the Modality Worklist files, once the instance received in Orthanc PACS Server
When an Instance with a matching accession number or Study Instance UID received in Orthanc PACS, this plugin will remove the corresponding worklist entry from the worklist database folder. The plugin reads the worklist database path from the "ModalityWorklists" section of the Orthanc Configuration, therefore it is mandatory to have this section available in the Orthanc Configuration file for the smooth working of the plugin.
Check out the code and copy it into the Orthanc Samples folder
cd OrthancServer/Plugins/Samples
git clone
cd WorklistFilePurger
mkdir Build
cd Build
This plugin identifies the worklist files based on a set naming scheme which is: "worklist_${studyUID}_(.*)". If your worklist files follow any other naming scheme, the plugin will not pick these files up and will not delete them!