Protobufquery is an XPath query package for ProtocolBuffer documents. It lets you extract data from parsed ProtocolBuffer message through an XPath expression. Built-in XPath expression cache avoid re-compilation of XPath expression for each query.
go get
msg := addressbookSample.ProtoReflect()
doc, err := Parse(msg)
ProtocolBuffer messages can also be instantiated dynamically using the dynamicpb package. Check out the referenced documentation for examples on loading bytes into those instances.
Using the ProtocolBuffer definition in testcases/addressbook
we can define an example addressbook as
People: []*addressbook.Person {
Name: "John Doe",
Id: 101,
Email: "",
Age: 42,
Name: "Jane Doe",
Id: 102,
Age: 40,
Name: "Jack Doe",
Id: 201,
Email: "",
Age: 12,
Phones: []*addressbook.Person_PhoneNumber{
{Number: "555-555-5555", Type: addressbook.Person_WORK},
Name: "Jack Buck",
Id: 301,
Email: "",
Age: 19,
Phones: []*addressbook.Person_PhoneNumber{
{Number: "555-555-0000", Type: addressbook.Person_HOME},
{Number: "555-555-0001", Type: addressbook.Person_MOBILE},
{Number: "555-555-0002", Type: addressbook.Person_WORK},
Name: "Janet Doe",
Id: 1001,
Email: "",
Age: 16,
Phones: []*addressbook.Person_PhoneNumber{
{Number: "555-777-0000"},
{Number: "555-777-0001", Type: addressbook.Person_HOME},
Tags: []string {"home", "private", "friends"},
Using this definition we can perform the example queries below.
xml := doc.OutputXML()
list := protobufquery.Find(doc, "/descendant::*[name() = 'people']/name")
// or equal to
list := protobufquery.Find(doc, "//name")
// or by QueryAll()
nodes, err := protobufquery.QueryAll(doc, "//name")
list := protobufquery.Find(doc, "/people[3]")
book := protobufquery.Find(doc, "//phones[1]/number")
book := protobufquery.Find(doc, "//phones[last()]/number")
list := protobufquery.Find(doc, "/people[not(email)]")
list := protobufquery.Find(doc, "/people[age > 18]")
func main() {
addressbookSample := &addressbook.AddressBook{
People: []*addressbook.Person {
Name: "John Doe",
Id: 101,
Email: "",
Age: 42,
Name: "Jane Doe",
Id: 102,
Age: 40,
Name: "Jack Doe",
Id: 201,
Email: "",
Age: 12,
Phones: []*addressbook.Person_PhoneNumber{
{Number: "555-555-5555", Type: addressbook.Person_WORK},
Name: "Jack Buck",
Id: 301,
Email: "",
Age: 19,
Phones: []*addressbook.Person_PhoneNumber{
{Number: "555-555-0000", Type: addressbook.Person_HOME},
{Number: "555-555-0001", Type: addressbook.Person_MOBILE},
{Number: "555-555-0002", Type: addressbook.Person_WORK},
Name: "Janet Doe",
Id: 1001,
Email: "",
Age: 16,
Phones: []*addressbook.Person_PhoneNumber{
{Number: "555-777-0000"},
{Number: "555-777-0001", Type: addressbook.Person_HOME},
Tags: []string {"home", "private", "friends"},
doc, err := protobufquery.Parse(addressbookSample.ProtoReflect())
if err != nil {
nodes, err := protobufquery.QueryAll(doc, "//people")
if err != nil {
for _, person := range nodes {
name := protobufquery.FindOne(person, "name").InnerText()
numbers := make([]string, 0)
for _, node := range protobufquery.Find(person, "phones/number") {
numbers = append(numbers, node.InnerText())
fmt.Printf("%s: %s", name, strings.Join(numbers, ","))
If you are familiar with XPath and XML, you can easily figure out how to write your XPath expression.
People: []*addressbook.Person {
Name: "John Doe",
Id: 101,
Email: "",
Age: 42,
Name: "Jane Doe",
Id: 102,
Age: 40,
Name: "Jack Doe",
Id: 201,
Email: "",
Age: 12,
Phones: []*addressbook.Person_PhoneNumber{
{Number: "555-555-5555", Type: addressbook.Person_WORK},
Name: "Jack Buck",
Id: 301,
Email: "",
Age: 19,
Phones: []*addressbook.Person_PhoneNumber{
{Number: "555-555-0000", Type: addressbook.Person_HOME},
{Number: "555-555-0001", Type: addressbook.Person_MOBILE},
{Number: "555-555-0002", Type: addressbook.Person_WORK},
Name: "Janet Doe",
Id: 1001,
Email: "",
Age: 16,
Phones: []*addressbook.Person_PhoneNumber{
{Number: "555-777-0000"},
{Number: "555-777-0001", Type: addressbook.Person_HOME},
Tags: []string {"home", "private", "friends"},
The above ProtocolBuffer representation above will be convert by protobufquery to a structure similar to the XML document below:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<name>John Doe</name>
<name>Jane Doe</name>
<name>Jack Doe</name>
<name>Jack Buck</name>
<name>Janet Doe</name>
Note: element
is an anonymous element without name.
Name | Description |
htmlquery | XPath query package for the HTML document |
xmlquery | XPath query package for the XML document |
jsonquery | XPath query package for the JSON document |
protobufquery | XPath query package for ProtocolBuffer messages |