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Test, Lint, and Spell Check

A tool that extracts package names from various lockfiles and adds them to a CSpell dictionary file.


Tool Version
cspell >= 6
Code Spell Checker - Visual Studio Code >= 2

Why lockfiles? Why not package.json, Gemfile, etc?

  • Package files are edited by humans (or AI). This is where we need spellchecking!
  • Package lockfiles are generated by tools that are 100% accurate. They have a defined structure that is easy to parse
  • Package files can include comments or even custom code (e.g. Gemfile). They are harder to parse consistently and accurately.
  • Published package names and organizations generally don't contain any spelling mistakes
  • Sometimes we do need to reference packages that are a dependency of a dependency.
  • CSpell performance isn't affected by the number of words. It's fine to add all the nested dependencies to your dictionary even if you will never use those words.


npm install -g @docspring/cspell-lockfile-dicts


Step 1: Generate the Dictionary

Run the CLI tool to generate a dictionary from your lockfiles:

npx @docspring/cspell-lockfile-dicts

This will:

  1. Scan your project for lockfiles (package-lock.json, yarn.lock, Gemfile.lock, composer.lock, Cargo.lock, etc.)
  2. Extract package names from those lockfiles
  3. Generate a .cspell/lockfile-words.txt file in your project root

Step 2: Add the Dictionary to CSpell

After generating the dictionary, add it to your CSpell configuration (e.g., .cspell.json or cspell.json):

  "dictionaryDefinitions": [
      "name": "lockfile-words",
      "path": "./.cspell/lockfile-words.txt",
      "description": "Dictionary of words extracted from lockfiles"
  "dictionaries": ["lockfile-words"]

This will include the generated dictionary in your spell checking.

Important: You need to run the cspell-lockfile-dicts command whenever your dependencies change to keep the dictionary up-to-date.

CLI Options

The tool supports the following command-line options:

  -p, --path <path>                   Path to save the dictionary file (default: ".cspell/lockfile-words.txt")
  -l, --lockfiles <files...>          Specific lockfiles to process (comma-separated)
  --no-auto-detect                    Disable auto-detection of lockfiles in the project
  -a, --auto-detect-patterns <patterns...>  Glob patterns for auto-detecting lockfiles (comma-separated)
  -d, --debug                         Enable debug logging
  -h, --help                          Display help for command


Generate dictionary with debug logging:

npx @docspring/cspell-lockfile-dicts --debug

Specify custom output path:

npx @docspring/cspell-lockfile-dicts --path ./custom-dict.txt

Process specific lockfiles:

npx @docspring/cspell-lockfile-dicts --lockfiles package-lock.json yarn.lock

Supported Lockfiles

Lockfile Language/Package Manager Status
package-lock.json JavaScript/npm ✅ Supported
yarn.lock JavaScript/Yarn ✅ Supported
Gemfile.lock Ruby/Bundler ✅ Supported
composer.lock PHP/Composer ✅ Supported
Cargo.lock Rust/Cargo ✅ Supported
poetry.lock Python/Poetry ✅ Supported
Pipfile.lock Python/Pipenv ✅ Supported
go.sum Go ✅ Supported
go.mod Go ✅ Supported
pnpm-lock.yaml JavaScript/pnpm 🔄 Pending
*.gradle.lockfile Java/Gradle 🔄 Pending
build.sbt.lock Scala/SBT 🔄 Pending
pom.xml.lock Java/Maven 🔄 Pending
packages.lock.json .NET/NuGet 🔄 Pending
Podfile.lock Swift/CocoaPods 🔄 Pending
cocoapods.lock Swift/CocoaPods 🔄 Pending
mix.lock Elixir 🔄 Pending
Cartfile.resolved Swift/Carthage 🔄 Pending
Package.resolved Swift/Swift Package Manager 🔄 Pending

Please feel free to open a PR to add support for other lockfiles. (AI is pretty good at implementing them!)

Adding to CI/CD

It's recommended to run this tool as part of your CI/CD pipeline or pre-commit hooks to keep the dictionary up-to-date with your dependencies.

Example GitHub Actions workflow:

name: Update CSpell Dictionary

      - '**/package-lock.json'
      - '**/yarn.lock'
      - '**/Gemfile.lock'

    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
      - uses: actions/checkout@v3
      - uses: actions/setup-node@v3
          node-version: '16'
      - run: npm install -g @docspring/cspell-lockfile-dicts
      - run: cspell-lockfile-dicts
      - name: Update CSpell config
        run: |
          if [ ! -f .cspell.json ]; then
            echo '{
              "version": "0.2",
              "language": "en",
              "dictionaryDefinitions": [
                  "name": "lockfile-words",
                  "path": "./.cspell/lockfile-words.txt",
                  "description": "Dictionary of words extracted from lockfiles"
              "dictionaries": ["lockfile-words"]
            }' > .cspell.json
            # Check if the dictionary is already configured
            if ! grep -q "lockfile-words" .cspell.json; then
              # This is a simple approach - for production use, consider using a JSON parser
              sed -i 's/"dictionaries": \[/"dictionaries": \["lockfile-words", /g' .cspell.json
              sed -i 's/"dictionaryDefinitions": \[/"dictionaryDefinitions": \[{"name": "lockfile-words", "path": "./.cspell\/lockfile-words.txt", "description": "Dictionary of words extracted from lockfiles"}, /g' .cspell.json
      - name: Commit changes
        uses: stefanzweifel/git-auto-commit-action@v4
          commit_message: 'chore: update cspell lockfile dictionary'
          file_pattern: '.cspell/lockfile-words.txt .cspell.json'




Build CSpell dictionaries from your package lockfiles







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