Note I didn't include (substantial) stuff that was completed a long time ago.
- DAQ schema management and persistence.
- Module type definitions
- Module instance definitions
- Reloading on breaking change (In progress)
- Need to standardize how to recognize a breaking schema change.
- NEED TO PRESERVE NON-PERSISTANT CONFIG!!! Can't re-create instances :/
- "Playing" of realtime data flow
- IMPLEMENTED (BADLY!!!). Needs to be refactored to take into account module timestamps, which it doesn't atm. Current version is for internal testing more than anything else.
- Writing realtime data flow to disk
- Reading and parsing stored data from disk
- Implementing play controls for stored.
- CSV exporting (In progress)
- HTTP endpoint framework in place and working - A little out of order, but that's a FIXME...
- Data translation (Convert raw analog value into PSI, for example. Probably a playbackManager setting...)
- Validation of entire schema. Currently, only modules are validated. (~1hr) (Part of v2 UI)
- Streamline stored playback manager (get rid of manual file read, replace with play for 1 frame.)
- Metadata file. (Name, desc, time created, length, etc...). Probably JSON. Part of storedRun? Or both? (~2hr) (Part of v2 UI)
- UI (User Interface) Version 2. (A lot of time...)
- Test configuration emission. (IDK)
- Refactor to allow config extension with common values, like frame interval.
- Currently, there's no guarantee any given config will have a way to configure a value. Need to make it so that module-specific configs all extend a common, base, config.
- Uses: Controlling global sample rate, batching size, etc.
- Better schema editing (deleting modules, pretty much :/ ) (~30min)
- Module framework (for ESPs)
- Way to verify module type validity
- Do after config extension refactor. Probably hash typeName and include at beginning of every single config struct.
- Maybe also publish supported hashes to a channel on module startup so mis-configurations can be caught and fixed.
- Timestamp-based aggregation
- Need to mitigate WiFi latency. Current plan is to sync all modules to a central NTP server and include the lower 16bits of the time in each packet. This should allow resolution of each packet to an absolute timestamp, and combination of proper packets.
- This will delay data from the realtime stream by whatever the max handled latency is - possibily messing with realtime reaction - but another realtime stream with immidiate data can also be had. IE a high-reliability stream and a low-latency stream.
- Currently, only the "low latency" implementation is present.
- Make everything async
- Broken schema repair
- Test batching and (possibly) using UDP. (Bunch of time.)
- If UDP can make network transfer more realtime, it might be worth the effort to switch to get rid of the aggregator.
- The protocol can pretty easily be made transport-agnostic.
- Module state (connected, disconnected, flaky) and performance (packets received, avg. packets / sec, etc...) tracking for realtime runs. Possibly store as well in bin format.
- Module-Module references and behavior.
- Consider how module-module comms should be handled. From within? IE brake pressure sends LED its value, or LED directly listens to brake pressure? Or externally? IE a separate module creates the link between the two?
- Way to add custom module behavior... Handler class passed with config? Object with functions? Or not at all ( external modules implement that)? (Hooks?)
- Data + Config struct generation (maybe even code snippets?) to assist coding module firmware. Make accessible through web.
- File watching schemas (meh)
- Doc
- Tests