What's Changed
Enhancements π
- #673 searchBox in DropDownMenu should have a getter.
- #736 Form inputs/ FieldsGrouping dry/silent validation.
- #773 position menus when resizing browser
Fixes π
- #674 DropdownButton click listener does not take disabled state into account.
- #772 Package 'typography' vs 'Typography' in RC18.
- #776 modal CSS class overrides box-shadow of .elevation-X styles.
- #778 Hidding buttons text span throws exception.
- #780 Disabled SelectOption not actually disabled.
- #783 wrong icon associated to a TreeItem after few successive fast clicks on it.
- #784 headerAlignRight() and headerAlignCenter() stopped working with rc18.
- #785 scroll issue when sheet/modal is open.
- #786 Tooltip not disappearing after click on target.
- #788 SwitchButton: set to readOnly does not prevent the SwitchButton from triggering change handlers.
Full Changelog: 1.0.0-RC18...1.0.0-RC19