Enhancements π
#802 LinkButton enhancements and use buttons for dialogs instead of LinkButtons.
#804 Add the ability to set the default focus element when modal is opened.
#806 Introduce the ability to override the ElementsFactory globally.
#814 Hide dropdowns on 2nd click.
#815 Allow read-only TextBox to look like a non-read-only.
#821 Ability to register open/close listeners for side drawers(left | right).
#824 Expose checkbox text element.
#826 Hide dropdown when focus lost.
#828 DateBox.closeOnBlur(true) auto closes the calendar popup when the user clicks away.
#831 A DateBox set to readOnly shows the DatePicker.
Fixes π
#796 ColumnFilter are not cleared when calling searchContext.clear.
#799 ResizeColumnsPlugin in combination with SortPlugin triggers sorting when resizing a column.
#800 SwitchButton & setReadOnly(true) color issue .
#803 Calling clear or setValue(null) on DateBox throws a NPE.
#807 TextAreaBox: clear() does not reset the letter counter.
#809 FileUpload: setAutoUpload=true - the uploaded item shows an upload icon.
#810 dui_bottom_0 is declared in two classes.
#812 ColumnConfig: Uncaught DOMExceptions if the name of ColumnConfig contains special characters.
#818 Setting background color for a datatable row in a plugin does not use the color variations.
#820 Checkbox in a flex does not shrink to respect other elements flex grow.
#823 Row is not deselected after selecting it twice using Datatable single SelectionPlugin.
#827 HasCollapseListeners.removeCExpandListener method name typo.
#832 Tree global selection listener not triggered when selecting TreeItems appended to the Tree root.
#833 Bottom Elements are cut off.
You canβt perform that action at this time.