Prostate Cancer Findings is a web application for identification of clinically significant prostate cancer in MRI, developed on Tesseract-MI platform.
What you need:
- Nodejs
- Meteor to run the app
- If you want to use DICOM server (dcm4che or Orthnac) [Optional]
How to start the app:
Install Nodejs :
Install Meteor :
- First install Chocolatey, by runingn this command using an Administrator command prompt:
@"%SystemRoot%\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\powershell.exe" -NoProfile -InputFormat None -ExecutionPolicy Bypass -Command "iex ((New-Object System.Net.WebClient).DownloadString(''))" && SET "PATH=%PATH%;%ALLUSERSPROFILE%\chocolatey\bin"
In the app directory:
- to install npm packages run:
meteor npm install
- to install npm packages run:
Finally, run this command using an General command prompt:
If you want to use your own DICOM server setup then In the app directory:
* for orthanc run: `METEOR_PACKAGE_DIRS="packages" meteor`
* for dcm4chee run: `METEOR_PACKAGE_DIRS="packages" meteor --settings config/dcm4cheeDICOMWeb.json`
- Docker
- Meteor
- MongoDB
- BlazeJs/Spacebars
- Node.js
- JavaScript
- CSS/Stylus
Main app components:
tesseract-ai: Components and functionality for AI.
tesseract-fiducial: Similar to cornerstone tools probe with customizable information.
tesseract-report: Reporting area for any predictions and calculations, also contains the settings for AI models.
tesseract-server-probe: A cornerstone tool probe like tool that displays findings on the DICOM images. The probe cannot be deleted or manipulated by user.
tesseract-sync-scroll: A toll similar to crosshair tool from cornerstone tools to sync the scrolling on view ports.
tesseract-cancer-study: A replaceable package to add different cancer studies to the app.
tesseract-sync-tools: A tool to sync tools like probe or any other drawing tool.
You need app specific files on App's root directory for deploying to server:
- Orthanc configuration file orthanc.json, generate this file by following this instruction
- App configuration production.env which is similar to development.env file
- In models directory run
docker-compose up -d
- In main directory run
docker-compose up -d
These files contain all the confirmation and important information like password and server IP for orthanc and MongoDB to connect.
Orthanc username and password can be changed in orthanc.json file.
Following the instructions below, the docker image will listen for DICOM connections on port 4242, and for web traffic on port 8042. The default username for the web interface is orthanc
, and the password is orthanc
docker run --rm -p 4242:4242 -p 8042:8042 jodogne/orthanc-plugins
Create a persistant data volume for Orthanc to use
docker create --name sampledata -v /sampledata jodogne/orthanc-plugins
Note: On Windows, you need to use an absolute path for the data volume, like so:
docker create --name sampledata -v '//C/Users/erik/sampledata' jodogne/orthanc-plugins
Run Orthanc from Docker with the data volume attached
docker run --volumes-from sampledata -p 4242:4242 -p 8042:8042 jodogne/orthanc-plugins
Upload your data and it will be persisted
How to install dcm4che:
- Install docker-compose
- Clone dcm4che from
- Run
docker-compose up
in dcm4che directory