Unsafe methods for working with pointers and unmanaged memory in a completely generic, not-type-safe way.
The current NuGet package name is DotNetCross.Memory.Unsafe
. It can be found here:
Unfortunately, I made the mistake of including .dll
in the package name when I first created the nuspec
-file. This was later fixed (version >=, but also means people who have been referring to the package via DotNetCross.Memory.Unsafe.dll
may not know this was changed to DotNetCross.Memory.Unsafe
. Unfortunately, there was no way to redirect or rename the old package so users could be informed of this change.
The Unsafe
class has now been added to .NET Core and exists as a separate package:
If in doubt, use this official package.
API surface can be see in src/DotNetCross.Memory.Unsafe.Ref/Unsafe.cs.
var ptr = stackalloc int[1];
*ptr = 42;
var v = Unsafe.Read<int>(ptr);
Assert.Equal(42, v);
var ptr = stackalloc int[1];
*ptr = 17;
Unsafe.Write<int>(ptr, 42);
Assert.Equal(42, ptr[0]);
var size = Unsafe.SizeOf<T>();
var array = new int[2];
array[0] = 42;
array[1] = 17;
fixed (void* pinPtr = &Unsafe.As<Pinnable>(array).Pin)
void* firstPtr = Unsafe.AsPointer(ref array[0]);
Assert.Equal(42, Unsafe.Read<int>(firstPtr));
Assert.Equal(17, Unsafe.Read<int>((byte*)firstPtr + sizeof(int)));
var src = stackalloc byte[2];
src[0] = src[1] = 0x12;
var dest = stackalloc short[1];
Unsafe.CopyBlock(dest, src, 2);
Assert.Equal(0x1212, dest[0]);
var ptr = stackalloc byte[10];
Unsafe.InitBlock(ptr, 123, 10);
for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
Assert.Equal(123, ptr[i]);