calculate GW waveform
Installation && compile
sometimes the lib cannot use in Apple core macbook.
Run in python
from pyWaveformGenerator.waveform import calculate_waveform
m1 = m2 = 10
chi1x = chi1y = chi1z = 0
chi2x = chi2y = chi2z = 0
e0 = 0
dL = 100
zeta_rad = iota_rad = beta_rad = Phic_rad = 0
fMin = 20
waveform, dynamics = calculate_waveform((m1, m2,
chi1x, chi1y, chi1z,
chi2x, chi2y, chi2z,
e0, dL,
zeta_rad, iota_rad,
beta_rad, Phic_rad), fMin)
see more details and description in
Cite this repo via arXiv:2102.08614 and arXiv:2310.04552.
Generate eccentric-precession waveform, run
from pyWaveformGenerator.waveform import calculate_waveform_ep
m1 = m2 = 10
chi1x = 0.2
chi1y = chi1z = 0
chi2y = -0.3
chi2x = chi2z = 0
e0 = 0.2
dL = 100
zeta_rad = 0
iota_rad = beta_rad = Phic_rad = 0
fMin = 20
Mf_ref = 0.003
waveform, dynamics = calculate_waveform_ep((m1, m2,
chi1x, chi1y, chi1z,
chi2x, chi2y, chi2z,
e0, dL,
zeta_rad, iota_rad,
beta_rad, Phic_rad), fMin, Mf_ref = Mf_ref, srate=16384, is_coframe=False)
In this case one have to make sure that one of
Then we can see the waveform
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
h22 = waveform.h22
fig = plt.figure(figsize = (12, 6))
ax1 = fig.add_subplot(3, 1, 1)
ax2 = fig.add_subplot(3, 1, 2)
ax3 = fig.add_subplot(3, 1, 3)
ax1.plot(h22.time, h22.real)
ax2.plot(h22.time, h22.amp)
ax2.set_ylabel(r'${\rm Amp}[h_{22}]$')
ax3.plot(h22.time, h22.phase)
ax3.set_ylabel(r'${\rm Phase}[h_{22}]$')
which will looks like
from pyWaveformGenerator.waveform import calculate_waveform
m1 = m2 = 10
chi1x = chi1y = chi1z = 0
chi2x = chi2y = chi2z = 0
e0 = 0.3
dL = 100
iota_rad = beta_rad = Phic_rad = 0
zeta_rad = 30 * np.pi/180
fMin = 20
Mf_ref = 0.003
waveform, dynamics = calculate_waveform((m1, m2,
chi1x, chi1y, chi1z,
chi2x, chi2y, chi2z,
e0, dL,
zeta_rad, iota_rad,
beta_rad, Phic_rad), fMin, Mf_ref = Mf_ref)
for spin-precession case (on test)
from pyWaveformGenerator.waveform import calculate_waveform_ep
q = 1.3
mtot = 20
m1 = q * mtot / (1. + q)
m2 = mtot / (1. + q)
chi1x = 0.4
chi1y = chi1z = 0
chi2y = -0.3
chi2x = chi2z = 0
e0 = 0.2
dL = 100
zeta_rad = 60 * np.pi/180
iota_rad = beta_rad = Phic_rad = 0
fMin = 20
Mf_ref = 0.002
waveform, dynamics = calculate_waveform_ep((m1, m2,
chi1x, chi1y, chi1z,
chi2x, chi2y, chi2z,
e0, dL,
zeta_rad, iota_rad,
beta_rad, Phic_rad), fMin, Mf_ref = Mf_ref, srate=16384, is_coframe=False)
The waveform looks like
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
h22 = waveform.h22
h21 = waveform.h21
fig = plt.figure(figsize = (12, 6))
ax1 = fig.add_subplot(3, 1, 1)
ax2 = fig.add_subplot(3, 1, 2)
ax3 = fig.add_subplot(3, 1, 3)
ax1.plot(h22.time, h22.real)
ax2.plot(h21.time, h21.real)
ax3.plot(h22.time, h22.amp)
ax3.plot(h21.time, h21.amp)
ax3.set_ylabel(r'${\rm Amp}[h_{2m}]$')
plt.savefig(pwd / 'example2.jpg',dpi = 200)