Table of Contents
Ever wanted to know that recipe for a certain drink?
With this app, you can search for a drink by name (or partial name) and view all the options via a carousel of options.
Type the name, or partial name, of a drink for which you need the recipe and either type the Enter
key or click the Show Drink Options
button to display the drink options.
- If only one drink is found, the carousel controls will not display.
- If multiple recipes are found for that drink, the carousel controls will be displayed, and you can pause, restart, or use the arrow keys to skip ahead or go back within the carousel.
This project can be improved by:
- Refactoring the code to account for errors fetching data,
- Displaying the carousel items that are before and after the current drink to more clearly show the user that multiple drinks were returned,
- Improving the playing of the carousel to better handle when users search for drinks more than once.
- API Integration. When getting the data from TheCocktailDB, I learned how to use
to getJSON
data from an external source. - Data Manipulation. Once I had the data from TheCocktailDB's API, I learned how to transform that data into a format I needed for the project.
- Advanced Interactivity. Building a carousel was much more intense than I originally thought it would be!
Danielle Andrews - @DrAcula_codes - daniellerandrews -
Project Link:
A special thanks to these resources used in the project!