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Arcimoto dashboard, provides an internal and a public version that display relevant info to the user.


Repo Man (Project Lead, Authorizes changes to master branch): Cord Slatton


Git commit formatting

We use the Angular git commit style

Full (long) version:

<type>(<scope>): <subject>

Short version

<type>(<scope>): <subject>

See more details

VS Code extension that helps you to make the commit msg, no need to remember your scope, etc.:

We use the allowed types from

We use custom scopes per repository, see scopes below. You may add scopes if needed.


  • abilities
  • access
  • api
  • authorities
  • component
  • fleets
  • managed sessions
  • menu
  • models
  • recalls
  • store
  • requests
  • root
  • user
  • vehicles
  • views

Pull Request (PR) Review

When creating a Pull Request for this repositiory the creator must make sure that what needs review in the built app is clear. For example, ping the reviewers on the ticket with a note about where to look in the UI for the changes under review.

Before approval of a pull request for this repository the reviewing developer is required to:

  1. Do a code review of the changes
  2. Checkout the feature branch locally, build the app and review the changes.


commitizen is a git commit tool. It allows you to use a prompt that will end up writing your commit message and description for you. This helps you make commit messages that will work with automatic versioning.

cz-conventional-changelog, is a template of the questions you’ll be asked when you make a commit. You can install other available templates. This is set in the config:commitizen:path property of the package.json file.

VSCode support via extension


To get started install commitizen globally on your computer:

npm install -g commitizen

git cz and git commit will now both do the same thing, the only difference is that if you have a project with a commitizen compatable changelog npm package, it will go through the changelog prompt.

Automatic Versioning

This package automatically updates it's version in package.json using semantic versioning via the semantic-release package. It runs on a merge to the master branch via bitbucket Continous Integration (CI) (see bitbucket-pipelines.yml, update-version). After updating the version in package.json it commits to master and then rebases master onto dev and staging so they get the version number.

Semantic Version Schema


Initial Setup

  • Require Commitizen for all contributors (see above)
  • set config for Commitizen in package.json
npx commitizen init cz-conventional-changelog --save-dev --save-exact
  • Install semantic release package and plugins
npm install --save-dev semantic-release
npm install --save-dev @semantic-release/commit-analyzer @semantic-release/release-notes-generator @semantic-release/npm @semantic-release/changelog @semantic-release/git @saithodev/semantic-release-backmerge
  • Update package.json
"release": {
  "repositoryUrl": "",
  "branches": [
  "plugins": [
        "assets": [
        "message": "chore(release): ${nextRelease.version} auto-versioning [skip ci]"
        "branchName": "dev",
        "clearWorkspace": true
        "branchName": "staging",
        "clearWorkspace": true
  • Set up a programmatic user in BitBucket for committing in the pipeline.
  • Setup the repository SSH authentication key and assign it to the programmatic user.
    • In Bitbucket, from your repository click Settings
    • Under Pipelines, click SSH Keys > Generate keys
    • Copy the public key to your clipboard
    • from your avatar in the bottom left click Bitbucket Settings > SSH Keys
    • Click Add Key, and paste the public key, providing a useful name and description
  • Add the programmatic user to the allowed to merge list for the dev, staging and master branches in BitBucket repository settings-> branch permissions for the repository.


Uses angular commit style to evaluate commits for automatic semantic versioning. We use the default rules from semantic-release: commit-analyzer.

Scope => Release Type

  • feat => minor
  • fix => patch
  • perf => patch

breaking in the commit message will result in a major release revert in the commit message results in a patch release


Description Code
Development dev
Staging staging
Production prod

Getting Started

Links to deployed versions of the Arcimoto Dashboard


  • Internal





  1. Clone the repo
  2. Get the font awesome pro token from AWS secrets manager (font-awesome-pro-token)
  3. Add the font awesome pro token to your .bashrc
    • echo 'export FONTAWESOME_NPM_AUTH_TOKEN={{FONT-AWESOME-PRO-TOKEN}}' >> ~/.bashrc
    • source ~/.bashrc
  4. Install dependencies - npm i
  5. Run FONTAWESOME_NPM_AUTH_TOKEN={{FONT-AWESOME-PRO-TOKEN}} npm install --save @fortawesome/fontawesome-pro with the token from secrets manager substituted for {{FONT-AWESOME-PRO_TOKEN}}


To run locally you will need the localhost proxy-server project running. If you have it setup as another project at the same level as this, then the npm script 'proxy' included with this project via the package.json file can run the proxy-server with the command npm run proxy from the root of this project.

To run with the local development version:

VUE_APP_CONNECTION_TYPE=localhostproxy npm run serve

NOTE: When running the local version for development the google maps API key only has http://localhost:8080 as the allowed referrer, using any other port than 8080 will result in disallowed referrer errors from the vehicle-locations component.

To run a version for an environment:


To run prodution build locally for E2E testing or preview

VUE_APP_CONNECTION_TYPE=localhostproxy vue-cli-service serve --mode production


VUE_APP_ENVIRONMENT - allows dev, staging, prod (default: dev) - configures which environment of the app to run/build

VUE_APP_CONNECTION_TYPE - allows localhostproxy or regular - used to force API requests to use the localhost proxy for development.


Note: You can only have one in-progress deployment in each Bitbucket Deployment Environment. In progress Bitbucket pipelines will cause any later started pipeline(s) using the shared Deployment Environment to be put into a paused state. The pipeline that is paused will not automatically resume, but rather must be manually re-run once the running pipeline that caused the pause finishes. See [] for more information about the possibility of this becoming configurable.

PR to dev branch from feature branch

Note: Branch name must be prefixed with TEL- to run this pipeline.

Tests app code by creating development and production builds then emails the git commit creator upon completion of the tests.

Merge to dev branch

Builds the development version and deploys to the dev endpoint then emails the git commit creator upon completion of deployment.

Merge to staging branch

Builds the production version and deploys to the staging endpoint then emails the git commit creator upon completion of deployment.

Merge to master branch

Builds the production version and deploys to the production endpoint then emails the git commit creator upon completion of deployment. Also emails a release notification to


No description, website, or topics provided.






No releases published


No packages published