Author: Manuel Martin Salvador
English: AndaluciaPeople is a social platform for geolocating places. An intelligent recommender system based on Bayesian Networks is used for personalizing places recommendations. Made with django, jQuery and love.
Español: AndalucíaPeople es una web social para la geolocalización de sitios de ocio junto con un sistema de recomendación inteligente basado en redes Bayesianas. Hecho con django, jQuery y amor.
Please note that this project has been discontinued and it is not longer updated. Feel free to use the code which is AGPL-licensed.
- Apache 2
- Python 2.6
- MySQL 5
I recommend to setup a python virtual environment and install the following packages:
- easy_install django==1.2.4
- easy_install bunch==1.0.0
- easy_install distribute==0.6.14
- easy_install django_clsview==0.0.3
- easy_install django_extensions==0.6
- easy_install django_localeurl==1.4
- easy_install httplib2==0.6.0
- easy_install MySQL_python==1.2.3
- easy_install oauth2==1.2.0
- easy_install PIL==1.1.7
- easy_install pip==0.8.1
- easy_install pyfacegraph==0.0.7
- easy_install python_cjson==1.0.5
- easy_install python_memcached==1.47
- easy_install simplejson==2.1.1
- easy_install South==0.7.3
- easy_install URLObject==0.5
- easy_install xapian_haystack==1.1.5beta
- easy_install django_compressor
The places that were sent by our users haven been released in JSON format. The file "" contains this information.