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ℹ Add NewsAPI.Net to your project.

From the PackageManager CLI

PM> Install-Package News.Net -Version 1.0.0

From the DotNet CLI

> dotnet add package News.Net --version 1.0.0

Or place this line in your .csproj & do a dotnet restore.

<PackageReference Include="News.Net" Version="1.0.0" />

🤔 How To Use

Creating a request to send to the API.

//Generate a new AllNewsRequest. This is where you create your query for the API.
var request = new AllNewsRequest("Arrow", SortType.PublishedDate);

//You can also set date from and to if you so wish.
//This will fetch all news regarding Arrow that have been published in the last 7 days.
var request = new AllNewsRequest("Arrow", SortType.PublishedDate, DateTime.UtcNow.AddDays(-7));

//This will fetch all news regarding Arrow 
//This request exmample states that articles are to be:
//No older than 7 days and also ignore articles from the last 2 days.
//For example if it where 10/1/2019, this would be news articles from The 3/1/2019 to 8/1/2019 
var request = new AllNewsRequest("Arrow", SortType.PublishedDate, DateTime.UtcNow.AddDays(-7), DateTime.UtcNow.AddDays(-2));

Using those requests.

//Initialise a NewClient & pass in your APIKey
//Get the NewsClient from your IOC Container if you are using one.
var newsClient = new NewsClient("API_Key Here");

//Send the request you created (as shown above)
var result = await newsClient.FetchNewsAsync(request);

//You will now have a NewsResult, of which you will want to check the status.
//If the status has not shown OK, you handle it.
if (result.ResponseStatus != ResponseStatus.Ok)
    Console.WriteLine($"There seems to have been an error. {result.Error.ToString()}")

//Else you can use the result.Articles to access the article information.
    foreach (var article in result.Articles)

Getting top headline results for a desired source.

//as above, create your client or get it from your IOC Container.
//Use the NewsClient to send a request for the latest news from a desired source.
var result = await _newsClient.FetchNewsFromSource(NewsSource.BBC);

//You can also pass in an array of sources if you wish.
var sources = new NewsSource[] 

var result = await _newsClient.FetchNewsFromSource(sources);

While I do support a large amount of sources by default that are provided by the NewsApi.Org website. I DO NOT support them all. If you want to use a source I do not support, you are able to enter the source id like so. (Find the source ID's Here)

var result = await _newsClient.FetchNewsFromSource("buzzfeed");

The IServiceCollection extension method.

This is a simple way to add the service to your IOC Container.

public class Foo
    public void SetupServices()


An asynchronous wrapper for







