Use Wordpress 5 as a backend for a Symfony application
The main idea is to use the power of Symfony for the front / webservices with the ease of Wordpress for the backend.
When the Wordpress bundle is loaded, it loads a small amount of Wordpress Core files to allow usage of Wordpress functions inside Symfony Controllers.
Wordpress is then linked to the bundle via a plugin located in the mu folder.
Because it's a Symfony bundle, there is no theme management in Wordpress and the entire routing is powered by Symfony.
From Composer :
- Install/update Wordpress via composer
- Install/update plugin via composer
From Symfony :
- Template engine
- Folder structure
- Http Cache
- Routing
- Installation via Composer for Wordpress Core and plugins
- YML configuration ( even for Wordpress )
- DotEnv
- Enhanced Security ( Wordpress is hidden )
- Dynamic image resize
From the bundle itself :
- YML configuration for Wordpress (see bellow )
- Permalink settings for custom post type and taxonomy
- ACF data cleaning
- SF Cache invalidation ( Varnish compatible )
- Post/Image/Menu/Term/User/Comment/Query entities
- Download backup ( uploads + bdd ) from the admin
- Maintenance mode
- Multisite images sync ( for multisite as multilangue )
- SVG Support
- Edit posts button in toolbar on custom post type archive page
- Wordpress predefined routes via permastruct
- Context helpers
- Relative urls
- Terms bugfix ( sort )
- Form helpers ( get / validate / send )
- Multisite post deep copy ( with multisite-language-switcher plugin )
- Image filename clean on upload
- Custom datatable support with view and delete actions in admin
- Extensible, entities, controller and bundle plugins can be extended in the app
- Site health checker
Because of Wordpress design, functions are available in the global namespace, it's not perfect but Wordpress will surely change this soon.
Some plugins may not work directly, Woocommerce provider needs some rework
A demo is available at,
it's an implementation of the Twenty Nineteen theme for Wordpress 5.
symfony new --full my_project
composer create-project symfony/website-skeleton my_project
Edit composer.json
Add repository
"repositories": [
"type":"composer", "url":""
Define installation path for Wordpress related packages
"extra": {
"installer-paths": {
"public/wp-bundle/mu-plugins/{$name}/": ["type:wordpress-muplugin"],
"public/wp-bundle/plugins/{$name}/": ["type:wordpress-plugin"],
"public/edition/": ["type:wordpress-core"]
Use optimized autoloader
"config": {
"optimize-autoloader": true,
"apcu-autoloader": true,
edit .env
###> metabolism/wordpress-bundle ###
###< metabolism/wordpress-bundle ###
Only mysql is supported
composer require metabolism/wordpress-bundle
if you want to use the development version (not recommended), edit composer.json
"license": "GPL-3.0-or-later",
"prefer-stable": true,
"minimum-stability": "dev",
composer require metabolism/wordpress-bundle:dev-develop
edit routes.yaml
resource: "@WordpressBundle/Routing/permastructs.php"
Clear cache
./bin/console cache:clear
edit .gitignore
Configure a vhost mounted to /public
, or start the built-in Symfony server
./bin/console server:start
Accessing the server url will now start the Wordpress Installation,
Take a look at src/Controller/BlogController.php
, templates/generic.html.twig
and config/wordpress.yml
and continue to read the doc bellow.
When the bundle is installed, a default wordpress.yml
is copied to /config/
This file allow you to manage :
- Keys and Salts
- Image options
- Maintenance support
- Admin pages removal
- Feature Support
- Multi-site configuration
- Constants
- ACF configuration
- Menu
- Custom Post type
- Custom Taxonomy
- Page, post, taxonomy templates
- Page states
- Post format
- External table viewer
- Roles
- Optimisations
- Domain name
- Controller name
Please use to find your plugin.
edit composer.json
"require": {
Edit composer.json
Declare a new repository
"repositories": [
"type": "package",
"package": {
"name": "elliotcondon/advanced-custom-fields-pro",
"version": "5.8.4",
"type": "wordpress-plugin",
"dist": {"type": "zip", "url": "{%ACF_PRO_KEY}&t={%version}"},
"require": {
"ffraenz/private-composer-installer": "^2.0",
"composer/installers": "^1.0"
"type":"composer", "url":""
"require": {
"elliotcondon/advanced-custom-fields-pro": "5.*",
Edit .env
to set ACF_PRO_KEY
The Context service is a Wordpress data wrapper, it allows to query post, term, pagination, breadcrumb, comments and sitemap.
Critical data are added automatically, such as current post or posts for archive, locale, home url, search url, ...
public function articleAction(Context $context)
$context->addPosts(['category__and' => [1,3], 'posts_per_page' => 2, 'orderby' => 'title'], 'portraits');
return $this->render( 'page/article.twig', $context->toArray() );
To preview/debug context, just add ?debug=context
to any url, it will output a json representation of itself.
"debug": false,
"environment": "prod",
"locale": "fr",
"language": "fr-FR",
"languages": [],
"is_admin": false,
"home_url": "",
"search_url": "/search",
"privacy_policy_url": "",
"maintenance_mode": false,
"tagline": "Un site utilisant WordPress",
"posts_per_page": "10",
"body_class": "fr-FR home page-template-default page page-id-38",
"page_title": "Home",
"system": "-- Removed from debug --",
"menu": [...],
"post": {
"excerpt": "",
"thumbnail": "",
"link": "/",
"template": "",
"ID": 38,
"comment_status": "closed",
"menu_order": 0,
"comment_count": "0",
"author": "1",
"date": "15 January 2019",
"date_gmt": "2019-01-15 11:45:59",
"content": "",
"title": "Home",
"status": "publish",
"password": "",
"name": "home",
"modified": "17 January 2019",
"modified_gmt": "2019-01-17 14:07:13",
"parent": 0,
"type": "page",
"splashscreen": {
"text": "La France et le Japon partagent les valeurs ...",
"partner": {
"link": ""
"portraits": [...],
"sitemap": [...],
"layout": "default"
public function articleAction(Context $context)
$article = $context->addPost(12, 'article');
return $this->render( 'page/article.twig', $context->toArray() );
{# page/article.twig #}
<h1>{{ article.title }}</h1>
{% set next_article = %}
{% if next_article %}
<a href="{{ }}">next</a>
{% endif %}
ACF fields are directly available so let say you've added a copyright
text field :
<h1>{{ post.title }}</h1>
<small>{{ post.copyright }}</small>
Available functions :
- next($in_same_term = false, $excluded_terms = '', $taxonomy = 'category')
- prev($in_same_term = false, $excluded_terms = '', $taxonomy = 'category')
- getTerm( $tax='' )
- getTerms( $tax='' )
- getParent()
Image entity provide a nice on the fly resize function, add width and height to crop-resize, set width or height to 0 to resize
To debug images, just add ?debug=image
to any url, it will replace images with placeholder.
wp-smartcrop plugin is supported
<h1>{{ post.title }}</h1>
<img src="{{ post.thumbnail.resize(800, 600) }}" alt="{{ post.thumbnail.alt }}">
<img src="{{ post.thumbnail.resize(0, 600) }}" alt="{{ post.thumbnail.alt }}">
<img src="{{ post.thumbnail.resize(800, 0, 'webp') }}" alt="{{ post.thumbnail.alt }}">
Generate picture element ( width, height, media queries ), it use wepb if enabled in PHP
data.image.toHTML(664, 443, {'max-width: 1023px':[438,246]})|raw
Edit image :
resize / insert / colorize / blur / brightness / gamma / pixelate / greyscale / limitColors / mask / text / rotate See :
data.image.edit({resize:[260,224], insert:['/newsletter/dots.png','bottom-right', 10, 10]})
Use a placeholder if the image doesn't exists
<img src="{{ (post.thumbnail|default|placeholder).resize(800, 0) }}" alt="{{ post.thumbnail.alt }}">
Custom posts can extend the Post
entity to add some preprocess or new functions,
in the /src
folder, add an Entity
folder, then create a new class for the post_type using Pascal case
namespace App\Entity;
use Metabolism\WordpressBundle\Entity\Post;
use Metabolism\WordpressBundle\Entity\Image;
class Guide extends Post
public function __construct($id = null)
if( isset($this->picto) && $this->picto instanceof Image)
$this->picto = $this->picto->getFileContent();
Menu, Comment, MenuItem, Product, Term and User can be extended by creating the same file in the /src/Entity
You can check site health using /_site-health
, url
options are:
- output : 1 | json
- full : 0 | 1
You can purge cache using /_cache/purge
, url or using purge cache button in backoffice
You can completely remove and purge cache using /_cache/clear
, url
- Create Symfony recipe
- Provide more samples
- Woo-commerce Provider rework
- Global maintenance mode for multi-site
- Unit tests
Because Bedrock "only" provides a folder organisation with composer dependencies management. Btw this Bundle comes from years of Bedrock usage + Timber plugin...
The philosophy is not the same, Ekino use Symfony to manipulate Wordpress database. Plus the last release was in 2015...
We don't want to judge anyone, it's more like a code philosophy, once you go Symfony you can't go back.
Plus the security is a requirement for us and Wordpress failed to provide something good because of it's huge usage.
This project is made by Metabolism ( )
Current maintainers:
- Jérôme Barbato -
- Paul Coudeville -