DISCLAIMER: We use Google Analytics for sending anonymous usage information such as agent's type, version after a successful agent registration. This information might help us to improve both Drill4J backend and client sides. It is used by the Drill4J team only and is not supposed for sharing with 3rd parties. You are able to turn off by set system property
analytic.disable = true
or send PATCH request/api/analytic/toggle
The JVM-based shared libraries for Drill4J, used in java-agent, test2code-plugin and admin components of Drill4J.
- agent: Contains the abstract agent core used to create platform specific JVMTI agents (Java, .NET), , see more in here
- agent-runner-common: Common part of plugins for build tools (gradle and maven) to easily run autotest agents
- agent-runner-gradle: Gradle part of plugins for build tools to easily run autotest agents
- common: Common back-end related Drill4J project parts (common part)
- drill-hook: Library for intercepting system functions.
- http-clients-instrumentation: Common instrumentation for http clients
- interceptor-http: Library for intercepting http protocols calls
- interceptor-http-test: Tests for interceptor-http
- interceptor-http2: Library (v2) for intercepting http protocols calls
- interceptor-http2-test: Tests for interceptor-http2
- interceptor-http2-test-grpc: Tests for interceptor-http2
- jvmapi: Library to simplify JVMTI calls from java-agent code
- knasm: Port of Java ASM library to Kotlin native
- kni-plugin: Gradle plugin for KNI classes (stub classes to simplify JVMTI calls) generation
- kni-runtime: Annotation and interface classes to use with KNI plugin
- ktor-swagger: Library for ktor with swagger integration
- ktor-swagger-sample: Sample implementation for ktor-swagger
- logging: Pre-configuration tier for microutils kotlin-logging library (useful for multiplatform modules)
- test-data: Test data for admin/test2code-plugin testing
- test-plugin: Module for test-plugin distribution generation (includes test-plugin-admin and test-plugin-agent jars)
- test-plugin-admin: Test-plugin for admin component tests (admin-part)
- test-plugin-agent: Test-plugin for admin component tests (agent-part)
- transport: Library with transport protocol for backend communication
Kni-runtime module container two classes:
- annotation class Kni: To mark classes for which kni-stub classes should be generated. Generated stub classes used for 2 purposes:
- Call JVM methods from native code, example:
actual fun retrieveClassesData(config: String): ByteArray { return DataServiceStub.retrieveClassesData(config) }
- Call native methods from JVM code, example:
actual external fun adminAddressHeader(): String?
- Call JVM methods from native code, example:
- interface JvmtiAgent: Interface should be implemented by JVMTI-agent class which will be called in kni-generated function:
public fun agentOnLoad(
vmPointer: CPointer<JavaVMVar>,
options: String,
reservedPtr: Long
): Int = memScoped {
com.epam.drill.agent.jvmapi.vmGlobal.value = vmPointer.freeze()
val vm = vmPointer.pointed
val jvmtiEnvPtr = alloc<CPointerVar<jvmtiEnvVar>>()
vm.value!!.pointed.GetEnv!!(vm.ptr, jvmtiEnvPtr.ptr.reinterpret(),
com.epam.drill.agent.jvmapi.jvmti.value = jvmtiEnvPtr.value
com.epam.drill.agent.Agent.agentOnLoad(options) // call method of class configured in gradle file using kni-block
Kni-plugin module contains classes for kni-stubs and JVMTI entry-point generation, generation details should be configured in gradle file using kni block, like:
kni {
jvmTargets = sequenceOf(jvm)
jvmtiAgentObjectPath = "com.epam.drill.agent.Agent"
nativeCrossCompileTarget = sequenceOf(linuxX64, mingwX64, macosX64)