I'm Manas Varma K, currently a S1 CAI(CSE AI) student. I am a tech and I love reading and learning about new tech. I always wanted to be a developer and unleash my creativity to develop something that will be useful or will be used by others.
I have always been passionate about coding. As I said I want to be a developer and you guys as an open-sourse development club gives me the best platform to develop my skills, so I will work hard for a position in the club and also after I get into the club. This also this gives me an opportunity too develop my team working skills, my behaviour and also my soft skills which I am looking forward to improve as I am quite a shy person. I,m ready to face all the challenges and I will work hard to complete all the tasks the club has put forward and after all this if you think I am useful for the club please select me.
I want to develop my coding skills and to be a developer. I have to learn many more languages as well. I want to explore all the fields in the vast area of computer science and its branches and look into which all things should I learn and how would it help me. I want to set a clear goal about my career and where I want to be and work hard to reach there.
I will work hard and also help my fellow club members in their projects. I will be an active member and help the club in all the ways possible. I will be happy to represent the club anywhere and be a part of such an glorious club and work along with its enthusiastic members.
The organization of the tasks are excellent. It covers all the different main branches of CS and enables the students who take part in this to explore the all these branches and help sthem to understand or choose what they are interested in. Also the mentor i.e, the wizard and elf, are really interactive and they also encourage us to be interactive as we can be, which helps me to get out of my comfort zone and push myself forward.