Minimalist personal blog built with Django.
- Django 1.4 based blog
- Posts, categories and sub categories
- Post has status published/unpublished
- Clean and minimalist responsive layout
- Infinite scrolling for post listing
- Code syntax highlighting for posts
- RSS Feeds
- Apps installed: TinyMCE, taggit(for post tags)
Print friendly CSS + print hyperlink for posts
Allow admin to re-organize the category menu order(make it order elements by default by length small to large)
View to receive requests from authenticated client to post new articles via JSON-RPC
Show comment count for a post in posts listing
Quick tips section/category for brief posts(Still not sure about layout, design and location)
Some more content and styling to error pages
Highly customized administration for managing content independant of Django admin
Generate slug from title and make it non editable
The code is released under the GNU General Public License 3.