A) The plastice response Drosophila melanogaster flies show toward a percieved threat from predators, specifically zebra jumping spiders (Salticus scenicus) and Chinese praying mantids (Tenodera aridifolia sinensis).
B) The evolved response flies selected upon by many generations of exposure to predation.
In this Repo, 6 sub-repositories hold the data and scripts for 6 experiments looking at the plastic (PlasticResponse_*) and evolved (EvolvedResponse_*) responses.
All the plots can be viewed by running ALlBehaviouralPlots.Rmd and the summary statistics from AllBehavioural_ModelSummary.Rmd.
Methods are present in Experimental_Methods repo and some supplementary data can be found in its own repo as well (Supplement_Data).
This research has been written into my M.Sc. thesis: KnoopsP_MscThesis.pdf