This project is now deprecated. xlsx
project now has embeded typings so there is no reason to maintain both.
please move to xlsx
A working XLSX Library for typescript (Rebuild of the original xlsx):
Tested to be working with Angular 2!!!
All you need to do is to install the library:
npm install --save ts-xlsx
And then the typings for the library:
typings install --save --global dt~xlsx
npm install --save @types/xlsx
And then you can use it :)
Just import the functions and use them.
/* You can use as namespace: */
import * as XLSX from 'ts-xlsx';
let wb: XLSX.IWorkBook =
/* Or straight forward import */
import { read, IWorkBook } from 'ts-xlsx';
let wb: IWorkBook = read(...)
if you are having troubles integrating into Angular 2, you can review this Example Repository showing a working usecase of fileDrop.
more documentation is provided by the original author of the library, as this is just a wrapper.