Customizable holographic themed heads up display (HUD) for Garry's Mod.
- HUD swaying with camera movement
- Chromatic aberration
- Health indicator
- Armour indicator
- Ammunition indicator
- Weapon selector
- Ping meter
- Player counter
- Prop counter
- Killfeed
- Speed-o-meter
- Environmental hazards indicator
- Clock
- Compass
- Damage indicator
- Pickup history
- Entity information
- Target ID
- Welcome screen
- Each elements has their own array of options
- Font family and offsets customization
- Blur intensity and opacity
- Background opacity
- Swaying
- DyaMetR
- Design
- Code
- Sprites
- Matsilagi
- Testing
- Occasional development support
- code_gs
To ensure that your configuration loads correctly, you'll have to make a folder inside your addons folder with a specific structure: %YOUR_CONFIG_ADDON_FOLDER%/lua/autorun/holohud/add-ons
Once you created your folder you'll be able to add as many .lua
files as you wish and the HUD will load them all. Try to use unique file names in order to avoid conflicts with other addons.
All of the custom files are loaded sharedwise, meaning that it will work in both clientside and serverside, so I'd like to remind using if CLIENT
and if SERVER
H0L-D4 offers an ample API, but I will only list the most important functions, which are those in charge of adding elements and forcing settings.
HOLOHUD.GAMEMODE:AddElementOverride( gamemode, elements )
Makes an element or group of elements only work for a certain gamemode or group of gamemodes
@param {string|table} gamemode or gamemodes
@param {string|table} element or elements
Make that the hypothetical elements 'money', 'job' and 'lockdown'
only are available when the server is running DarkRP
HOLOHUD.GAMEMODE:AddElementOverride( 'darkrp', { 'money', 'job', 'lockdown' } )
Make that the hypothetical elements 'ttt_role' and 'ttt_clock'
only are available when the server is running Trouble in Terrorist Town
HOLOHUD.GAMEMODE:AddElementOverride( 'terrortown', { 'ttt_role', 'ttt_clock' } )
Make that the element 'prop_count' only works on Sandbox and DarkRP
HOLOHUD.GAMEMODE:AddElementOverride( { 'sandbox', 'darkrp' }, 'prop_count' )
HOLOHUD.GAMEMODE:SetElementOverride( gamemode, elements, whitelist )
Blacklists elements on certain gamemodes. The 'whitelist' parameter, if true, will make the provided element/s from the 'elements' parameter the only ones that will be shown when playing on the provided gamemode/s via the 'gamemode' parameter.
@param {string|table} gamemode or gamemodes
@param {string|table} element or elements
Disable the 'target_id' element when playing DarkRP
HOLOHUD.GAMEMODE:SetElementOverride( 'darkrp', 'target_id' )
Only the elements 'health', 'ammunition', 'ttt_role' and 'ttt_clock'
will be the ones enabled when playing Trouble in Terrorist Town, any
other elements will be unavailable
HOLOHUD.GAMEMODE:SetElementOverride( 'terrortown', { 'health', 'ammunition', 'ttt_role', 'ttt_clock' }, true )
Disable the 'killfeed' element from DarkRP and Trouble in Terrorist Town
HOLOHUD.GAMEMODE:SetElementOverride( { 'darkrp', 'terrortown' }, 'target_id' )
HOLOHUD.GAMEMODE:AddConfigOverride( gamemode, element, config, force_default )
Forces configuration parameters' values on a certain element for a certain gamemode
@param {string} gamemode
@param {string} element
@param {table} a list with the overrided parameters and their new values
@param {boolean} if true, it will force the default configuration on those parameters that were not included on the 'config' table. otherwise, it will load the user configuration.
Force heartrate monitor with kevlar icon and minimalistic ammunition
indicator on DarkRP
HOLOHUD.GAMEMODE:AddConfigOverride( 'darkrp', 'health', { mode = 3 } )
HOLOHUD.GAMEMODE:AddConfigOverride( 'darkrp', 'ammunition', { mode = 2 } )
Force compact mode and always display while ignoring user configuration
on the ammunition indicator when playing Trouble in Terrorist Town
HOLOHUD.GAMEMODE:AddConfigOverride( 'terrortown', 'ammunition', { mode = 3 }, true )
1 = Default
2 = Heartbeat with armour bar
3 = Heartbeat with kevlar icon
4 = Classic
1 = Default
2 = Minimalist
3 = Compact
1 = Simple
2 = Digital
3 = Simple with date
1 = km/h
2 = mph
3 = ups
1 = Default
2 = Icon with background
3 = Icon only
"Panels" are the rectangles used as background to draw stuff. They can be opened or closed, which will play an animation in the process.
They're independent of 'HUD elements' but are usually declared and used alongside them.
HOLOHUD:AddFlashPanel( panel )
Adds a panel to the display list
@param {string} flash panel name
Add a panel named 'out_of_ammo'
HOLOHUD:AddFlashPanel( 'out_of_ammo' )
HOLOHUD:SetPanelActive( panel, active, force )
Sets whether a panel should be displayed (triggers the animations)
@param {string} panel name
@param {boolean} whether the panel should be displayed or not
@param {boolean|nil} whether it should override user configuration (should HUD hide on death and should HUD draw without the Suit)
Trigger the panel 'out_of_ammo' when you're out of ammo
local function TriggerOutOfAmmoPanel()
local weapon = LocalPlayer():GetActiveWeapon()
if not IsValid( weapon ) or ( weapon:GetPrimaryAmmoType() <= 0 and weapon:GetSecondaryAmmoType() <= 0 ) then return end
local clip, reserve, alt = weapon:Clip1(), LocalPlayer():GetAmmoCount( weapon:GetPrimaryAmmoType() ), LocalPlayer():GetAmmoCount( weapon:GetSecondaryAmmoType() )
HOLOHUD:SetPanelActive( 'out_of_ammo', clip <= 0 and reserve <= 0 and alt <= 0 )
HOLOHUD:DrawFragmentAlignSimple( x, y, w, h, func, flash, align, ... )
Draws an animated panel, with contents, that can be toggled
@param {number} x position
@param {number} y position
@param {number} width
@param {number} height
@param {function} contents draw function
Uses the arguments: x
, y
, width
, height
@param {string} panel ID
@param {TEXT_ALIGN_} flash effect alignment
@param {varargs} additional parameters sent to the contents drawing function
local WIDTH, HEIGHT = 200, 50
local PANEL = 'out_of_ammo'
local FONT, COLOUR = 'holohud_med_sm', Color( 255, 0, 0 )
Draw contents
local function DrawPanel( y )
HOLOHUD:DrawFragmentAlignSimple( ( ScrW() * .5 ) - ( WIDTH * .5 ), ScrH() * y, WIDTH, HEIGHT, function( x, y, w, h )
HOLOHUD:DrawText( x + ( w * .5), y + ( h * .5 ), LOCALE, FONT, COLOUR, HOLOHUD:GetHighlight(PANEL), TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER, TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER )
HOLOHUD:DrawFragmentAlign( x, y, w, h, func, flash, align, colour, alpha, blurQuality, ... )
Draws an animated panel, with contents, that can be toggled, with additional parameters
@param {number} x position
@param {number} y position
@param {number} width
@param {number} height
@param {function} contents draw function
Uses the arguments: x
, y
, width
, height
@param {string} panel ID
@param {TEXT_ALIGN_} flash effect alignment
@param {Color} background colour
@param {number} opacity
@param {number} blur effect quality
@param {varargs} additional parameters sent to the contents drawing function
local WIDTH, HEIGHT = 200, 50
local PANEL = 'out_of_ammo'
local LOCALE = 'Out of ammo'
local FONT, COLOUR = 'holohud_med_sm', Color( 255, 0, 0 )
local ALPHA = 0.5
Draw the same as before, but with the panel being red and slightly
local function DrawPanel( y )
HOLOHUD:DrawFragmentAlignSimple( ( ScrW() * .5 ) - ( WIDTH * .5 ), ScrH() * y, WIDTH, HEIGHT, function( x, y, w, h )
HOLOHUD:DrawText( x + ( w * .5), y + ( h * .5 ), LOCALE, FONT, COLOUR, HOLOHUD:GetHighlight(PANEL), TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER, TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER )
"Highlighting" refers to when a number/text/texture brights for a while and then goes back to normal.
HOLOHUD:AddHighlight( id )
Adds a highlight
@param {string} identifier
HOLOHUD:AddHighlight( 'out_of_ammo' )
HOLOHUD:TriggerHighlight( id )
Triggers a highlight effect
@param {string} identifier
local NAME = 'out_of_ammo'
local TICK_RATE = 1
local tick = 0
Make the highlight blink every second
local function AnimateHighlight()
if tick < CurTime() then
HOLOHUD:TriggerHighlight( NAME )
tick = CurTime() + TICK_RATE
HOLOHUD:GetHighlight( id )
Gets the current opacity of a highlight
@param {string} identifier
@return {number} opacity
print( HOLOHUD:GetHighlight( 'out_of_ammo' ) )
Result: 0
HOLOHUD:DrawNumber( x, y, number, colour, zeros, bright, font, off, align, vertical_align )
Draws a number that can be highlighted with a background
@param {number} x position
@param {number} y position
@param {number} number to display
@param {Color|nil} colour
@param {string|nil} zeroes
@param {number|nil} how opaque is the highlighting
@param {string|nil} font to use
@param {boolean|nil} whether the foreground shouldn't be drawn
@param {TEXT_ALIGN_|nil} horizontal alignment
@param {TEXT_ALIGN_|nil} vertical alignment
-- draws a red number with the health at the middle left of the screen
-- it will blink when the player is hurt, as it uses the 'health' highlight, added by default
-- this is an example using ALL parameters, which is not always needed
HOLOHUD:DrawNumber( ScrW() * .25, ScrH() * .5, LocalPlayer():Health(), Color( 255, 100, 100 ), '0000', HOLOHUD:GetHighlight('health'), 'holohud_main', false, TEXT_ALIGN_LEFT, TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER )
HOLOHUD:DrawText(x, y, text, font, colour, bright, align, vertical_align, off, alpha)
Draws a text
@param {number} x position
@param {number} y position
@param {string} text to draw
@param {string|nil} font to use
@param {Color|nil} colour
@param {number|nil} how opaque is the highlighting
@param {TEXT_ALIGN_|nil} horizontal alignment
@param {TEXT_ALIGN_|nil} vertical alignment
@param {boolean|nil} should effects like chromatic aberration and highlighting NOT draw
@param {number|nil} opacity
-- draws a green text with the player's name on the top center of the screen
-- it will blink when the player is hurt, as it uses the 'health' highlight, added by default
-- this is an example using ALL parameters, which is not always needed
HOLOHUD:DrawText( ScrW() * .5, ScrH() * .25, LocalPlayer():Name(), 'holohud_small', Color( 100, 255, 100 ), HOLOHUD:GetHighlight('health'), TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER, TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER, false, 150 )
HOLOHUD.ELEMENTS:AddElement( id, title, subtitle, hide_elements, default_config, draw_function, enabled )
Adds an element to the HUD, both to the customization menu and the drawing loop
@param {string} unique ID
@param {string} name of the element
@param {string} subtitle or description
@param {table|nil} which HL2 HUD elements should be hidden when this one is enabled
@param {table} configuration parameters and their default values
Structure: name
, desc
(optional), value
, options
(numeric value only), minValue
(numeric value only), maxValue
(numeric value only)
@param {function|nil} drawing function
Accepts one parameter which is a function used to access configuration.
@param {boolean|nil} whether it should be enabled by default
Add a new element that says 'Out of ammo' when out of ammo
This example uses functions previously declared on the other examples
"Out of ammo",
"Displays a label when you're out of ammunition",
nil, -- don't override any CHud element
y = { name = 'Vertical position', value = 0.8, minValue = 0, maxValue = 1 }
function( config )
DrawPanel( config('y') )
if CLIENT then
local PANEL = 'out_of_ammo'
local WIDTH, HEIGHT = 220, 50
local FONT, COLOUR = 'holohud_med_sm', Color( 255, 0, 0 )
local TICK_RATE = 1
local tick = 0
HOLOHUD:AddFlashPanel( PANEL )
HOLOHUD:AddHighlight( PANEL )
Make the highlight blink every second
local function AnimateHighlight()
if tick < CurTime() then
HOLOHUD:TriggerHighlight( PANEL )
tick = CurTime() + TICK_RATE
Trigger the panel 'out_of_ammo' when you're out of ammo
local function TriggerOutOfAmmoPanel()
local weapon = LocalPlayer():GetActiveWeapon()
if not IsValid( weapon ) or ( weapon:GetPrimaryAmmoType() <= 0 and weapon:GetSecondaryAmmoType() <= 0 ) then return end
local clip, reserve, alt = weapon:Clip1(), LocalPlayer():GetAmmoCount( weapon:GetPrimaryAmmoType() ), LocalPlayer():GetAmmoCount( weapon:GetSecondaryAmmoType() )
HOLOHUD:SetPanelActive( PANEL, clip <= 0 and reserve <= 0 and alt <= 0 )
Draw contents
local function DrawPanel( y )
HOLOHUD:DrawFragmentAlignSimple( ( ScrW() * .5 ) - ( WIDTH * .5 ), ScrH() * y, WIDTH, HEIGHT, function( x, y, w, h )
HOLOHUD:DrawText( x + ( w * .5), y + ( h * .5 ), LOCALE, FONT, COLOUR, HOLOHUD:GetHighlight(PANEL), TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER, TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER )
Add a new element that says 'Out of ammo' when out of ammo
This example uses functions previously declared on the other examples
"Out of ammo",
"Displays a label when you're out of ammunition",
nil, -- don't override any CHud element
y = { name = 'Vertical position', value = 0.8, minValue = 0, maxValue = 1 }
function( config )
DrawPanel( config('y') )