LuaJIT iOS Framework script
Will compile an iOS Framework from LuaJIT's source code.
Requires lua 5.1 to be installed on your machine, XCode 4.2/iOS 5.1 or greater
- downlaod the source of LuaJIT
- extract source files and copy them to directory "LuaJIT-iOS-Framework/luajit-2.0"
- run the (or for iOS6.1) script and you will get the framework
- Just drop the framework into your project.
- You will have to refer to <LuaJIT/lua.h> instead of "lua.h", etc
- You can create a lua.h file which just does #include <LuaJIT/lua.h> if you have legacy code that uses lua.h
- (maybe) You will also need to include /Applications/ or you will get linker errors when compiling for Device.
I attached a Demo project at "LuaJIT-iOS-Framework/Demo/" , (maybe) you should try to run it in Xcode.
If there is any problems when using this, read the LuaJIT Install Page , read the lua C API, or contact me via github