This Version’s Highlights
- Enhanced the encryption algorithm to strengthen local cache security.
- Added the ability to stylize the selection box in the Viewer and Image Editor.
- Added a new function that allows you to export the selected image area to either a blob or base64 format.
- Added a property to relocate the server-side folder that hosts the Dynamsoft Service installers.
- Added a new blank page detection method.
New APIs and Properties
Viewer and Image Editor Improvements
- Added updateSelectionBoxStyle() to both the Viewer and the Image Editor to allow for custom styling of the rectangular selection box used when selecting a portion of an image in the Viewer and Image Editor.
Editor Functionality
- Added OutputSelectedAreaAsync() to export the selected image area to blob or base64.
Resource Optimization
- Added Dynamsoft.DWT.ServiceInstallerLocation to allow moving the dist folder to a different location than the Resources folder.
- Added MoveToDocumentAsync() and CopyToDocumentAsync() to allow for more multi-document handling.
- Added IsBlankImageAsync() as an additional blank page detection method using a different algorithm than the existing IsBlankImage() and IsBlankImageExpress() functions. This method allows for sensitivity customization, enabling users to overlook minor marks and disregard background patterns. This API currently is Windows only.
PDF Rasterizer
- Added new ReaderOptions interface.
- Added functions SetReaderOptions() and GetReaderOptions() to utilize the new ReaderOptions interface.
File Saving
- Saving a Black and White JPG will now automatically convert the image to grayscale prior to saving. This is due to the limitation that JPGs do not allow black and white images. Previously, Black and White images were not able to be saved to JPG without manually converting the colourspace prior.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed a bug where the Content-Type of ConvertToBlob was sometimes incorrectly reported in the response back from the Dynamsoft Service.
- Fixed a bug where setting the container size by percentage caused incorrect viewer sizing.
PDF Rasterizer
[Alternative] Use the SetReaderOptions() and GetReaderOptions() functions instead.
- GetConvertMode()
- SetConvertMode()
- SetPassword()
- SetResolution()
selectedAreaBorderColor has been deprecated. Please use the updateSelectionBoxStyle() function.