Add a short description and general information about the project.
- Related content
- Screenshots
- Technologies
- Installation
- Demonstration
- Status
- Contributing
- Licence
- Contact
Add more information about any related content. Is the project part of a course or a training?
Add one (or a few) screenshot(s) representative(s) of the project.
![Add alternative text to the screenshot](Add URL of the screenshot.)
List the technologies used and their versions.
Describe how to install and setup the environement.
[Try it!] (Add link to a demo version.)
Add the current status, version (and date of release) of the project. How is the development going?
Describe the current features of the project.
Describe the current issues and features which are not working as intended. Is help from the community required?
Keep an history of the changes made for each version of the project.
Version *X* (*Add the date of release of the version*)
List the main new features and issues of the version.Version *X* (*Add the date of release of the version*)
List the main new features and issues of the version.List the upcoming features. How long will it take?
Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change. Please make sure to update tests as appropriate (if any).
Add details about the licence, if any.
Created by [Add the name(s) of the author(s).](Add URL to the website(s) or GitHub of the author(s).).