Vagrant-ehealth is a vagrant script to install two popular open source EMR systems: OpenMRS and OSCAR McMaster. RStudio server is also installed along with these into a ubuntu trusty32 virtual machine.
- Install VirtualBox for your OS
- Install Vagrant for your OS
- Unzip / Clone this repository into a folder [Use the 'Download Zip' on the right panel]
- cd to that folder
vagrant up
It takes approximately 30 minutes to create the machine initially.
- Access OpenMRS at (mysql password: mysql) (login:admin password:Admin123)
- Access OSCAR at (default login password on screen)
- Access R Studio Server at (login:vagrant password:vagrant)
To suspend the machine use and resume later
vagrant suspend
vagrant resume
To power down the machine and restart later
vagrant halt
vagrant up
To destroy the machine and recreate
vagrant destroy --force
vagrant up
This is for testing only. Not suitable for production.
For more information visit NuChange Blog
pull-requests welcome