MSC GeoMet pygeoapi server configuration and utilities
- Python 3
- virtualenv
Dependencies are listed in requirements.txt. Dependencies are automatically installed during msc-pygeoapi installation.
Dependencies of note:
- Elasticsearch (5 or above)
- i.e.
sudo echo
deb stable main> /etc/apt/sources.list.d/elastic.list
- pygeoapi
# setup virtualenv
python3 -m venv --system-site-packages msc-pygeoapi
cd msc-pygeoapi
source bin/activate
# clone codebase
git clone
cd msc-pygeoapi
# add GCWeb theme files
curl -L -o ./
unzip -o ./ "*/GCWeb/*" -d theme/static
unzip -o ./ "*/wet-boew/*" -d theme/static
mv ./theme/static/themes-dist-14.6.0-gcweb ./theme/static/themes-gcweb
rm -f ./
# install codebase
python build
python install
# configure environment
cp msc-pygeoapi.env dev.env
vi dev.env # edit paths accordingly
. dev.env
# serve API
pygeoapi serve
msc-pygeoapi --version
Server will be located at http://localhost/features
# all collections
# hydrometric daily mean
# filter by time
# filter by bbox
# filter by station number
# filter by bbox
# filter by station number and time
# filter by station number and time, limit results
# filter by station number and time, limit and page results
# HTML respsonses
# filter by active stations in Nunavut
pip install -r requirements-oracle.txt
# view all data loaders available
msc-pygeoapi data
# examples for some loaders
msc-pygeoapi data hydat <rest of flags/parameters>
msc-pygeoapi data climate-archive <rest of flags/parameters>
msc-pygeoapi data ahccd_cmip5 <rest of flags/parameters>
msc-pygeoapi data marine-weather add -d <path_to_directory of XML files>
# bulletins - delete index
msc-pygeoapi data bulletins_realtime delete-index # use --yes flag to bypass prompt
# realtime - standard workflow
msc-pygeoapi data hydrometric-realtime cache-stations # download stations list to $MSC_PYGEOAPI_CACHEDIR location
sr_subscribe start deploy/default/sarracenia/hydrometric_realtime.conf # begin realtime update process
msc-pygeoapi data hydrometric-realtime clean-indexes --days 30 # use --yes flag to bypass prompt (usually in crontab)
# run the CCCS Raster drill process (returns GeoJSON by default)
msc-pygeoapi process cccs execute raster-drill --y=45 --x=-75 --layer=CMIP5.SFCWIND.HISTO.WINTER.ABS_PCTL95
# run the CCCS Raster drill process returning CSV
msc-pygeoapi process cccs execute raster-drill --y=45 --x=-75 --layer=CMIP5.SFCWIND.HISTO.WINTER.ABS_PCTL95 --format=CSV
# install dev requirements
pip install -r requirements-dev.txt
# API tests run against http://localhost:5000
# use --url to override
# run all tests
# run one test file
pytest test/
# override endpoint
pytest test/ --url
# skip API tests (run only unit tests)
pytest -k 'not api'
# Extract from latest code the keys to be translated
pybabel extract -F babel-mapping.ini -o locale/messages.pot ./
# Update the existing .po language file with new/updated keys:
pybabel update -d locale -l fr -i locale/messages.pot
# Open the relevant .po file and contribute your translations
vi locale/fr/LC_MESSAGES/messages.po
# Then compile a .mo file to be used by the application
pybabel compile -d locale -l fr
python sdist bdist_wheel --universal
twine upload dist/*
All bugs, enhancements and issues are managed on GitHub.