The Key-Value Tree (KVTree) library provides a fully extensible C data structure modeled after Perl hashes.
KVTree was originally part of the SCR Library.
Details on the library can be found in the User API docs.
KVTree uses the CMake build system and we recommend out-of-source builds.
git clone
mkdir build
mkdir install
cd build
cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=../install ../KVTree
make install
make test
Some useful CMake command line options:
: Place to install the KVTree library-DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=[Debug/Release]
: Build with debugging or optimizations-DMPI
: Build with support for MPI movement of kvtree objects
- C
- MPI (optional)
- CMake, Version 3.14+
KVTree is part of the VeloC project
KVTree code is originally from the SCR project (LLNL-CODE-411039)
Numerous people have contributed to the SCR project.
To reference SCR in a publication, please cite the following paper:
- Adam Moody, Greg Bronevetsky, Kathryn Mohror, Bronis R. de Supinski, Design, Modeling, and Evaluation of a Scalable Multi-level Checkpointing System, LLNL-CONF-427742, Supercomputing 2010, New Orleans, LA, November 2010.
Additional information and research publications can be found here:
Copyright (c) 2018, Lawrence Livermore National Security, LLC.
Produced at the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory.
Copyright (c) 2018, UChicago Argonne LLC, operator of Argonne National Laboratory.
For release details and restrictions, please read the LICENSE and NOTICE files.