Releases: EGaraldi/corecon
Releases · EGaraldi/corecon
add support for numpy 2.0
v1.4.2 add support for numpy 2.0
workarounds for small issues
Add a way to disable auto-updates on startup
Set requirement numpy<2 (temporary, until migration is done)
New field (HeIII_fraction) and internal field renaming
v1.4 bump up version
New field: UV density
v1.3 New field: UV luminosity density
new field: reionization_midpoint
v1.2 New field: reionization_midpoint
bugfix in filters
v1.1.1 filters now update derived variables
Add constraints on ionizing photons production efficiency (xi_ion)
v1.1 add ionizing_photons_production_efficiency field
Version for the JOSS paper
This release freezes the code at the time of publication of the JOSS paper.