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A collection of shell scripts, programs, and macros to make sPHENIX research easier.


git clone ''
cd eic-utils
# Execute the following line if you want the bin folder added to your path so you can use
# the tools anywhere (recommended)
make add-to-path

You may also need to build and install the analysis module for use with

git clone
mkdir eic-build
mkdir eic-analysis
source /opt/sphenix/core/bin/sphenix_setup.csh # make sure you're using csh for this to work
cd eic-build
~/analysis/EICAnalysis/ --prefix=$HOME/eic-analysis
make -j 4
make install
rm -rf eic-build
# Note, the following works only for the C-shell, which is the most common shell on sPHENIX computing account
# To find out what shell you have, do 'echo $SHELL' (without the quotes)
# It is also likely that you are using bash
# In that case, replace the line below with: 'echo "export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=\"$HOME/\$LD_LIBRARY_PATH\"" >> ~/.bashrc' (without the ')
echo "setenv LD_LIBRARY_PATH \"$HOME/eic-analysis/lib:\$LD_LIBRARY_PATH\"" >> ~/.cshrc # Add folder to PATH for easy usage of tools
# For bash, replace ~/.cshrc with ~/.bashrc
source ~/.cshrc

Scripts is a script that streamlines the process of running simulations on CONDOR. It has the ability to break up events into batches such that they run in parallel on CONDOR, with the number of events total to run being specified by -n and the batch size being specified by -b. Before running, make sure you have cloned the macros directory from sPHENIX-Collaboration. Within the macros directory you will find macros/macros/g4simulations. Pass the path to the g4simulations directory on the command line using -m, or edit directly and set MACROS_DIRECTORY to the absolute path to the g4simulations directory. You will also need to remember to update your email within the file or to always pass your email on the command line using -e. This is because CONDOR sends users an email once there jobs are done, and as the dummy email left in will always fail, it tends to upset the system administrators. Your simulation results will be saved in your current directory, where you will find another directory in the form particle-gun-simulation.XXX (where XXX are three random characters), but it is recommended to explicitly specify the directory where to save the results using -r. Lastly, you will notice that once the simulation finishes, you will have many ROOT files corresponding to the results of each batch. It is recommended to merge these files into one ROOT tree for easier analysis and usage. You will want to look into the merge-trees documentation for this step. Lastly, before you use this script, you must read through the comments at the top of in order to make the necessary changes to the Fun4All_G4_EICDetector.C file within g4simulations in order for the script to function properly.

Usage: [OPTION]...
-m,--macros-directory                 specifies directory where g4simulation Fun4AllMacroes are
-n,--number-events                    specifies number of events to run
-b,--batch                            specifies how many events to run per batch
-e,--email                            specifies the email that condor emails once jobs are done
-r,--results-directory                specifies which directory to store the results in
-d,--enable-dis                       runs each simulation through Fun4All_EICAnalysis_DIS once done
-a,--dis-directory                    specifies directory where Fun4All_EICAnalysis_DIS file is located
-l,--dis-library-path                 specifies install path of compiled EICAnalysis DIS libraries
-h,--help                             displays this message

The script also has support for running the simulations through Fun4All_EICAnalysis_DIS.C as soon as they are done.The -d option is used to enable this. The path to the directory containing the file must be specified with -a if it does not match the default one specified in the script. The EICAnalysis module must be compiled and installed and the path to the lib directory in the install path of the module must be specified using -l if it does not match the default one specified in the script. See the setup instructions for the easiest way to compile and install the analysis modules.


Run a simulation of 10,000 events in batches of 100, storing the results into the directory my-simulation -n 10000 -b 100 -r my-simulation

Run a simulation of 100 events in batches of 5, then run them through the Fun4All_EICAnalysis_DIS.C macro, storing the results into the directory my-dis-analysis. This example also demonstrates how to specify a new directory for the Fun4All_EICAnalysis_DIS.C and for the lib directory in the install path of the EICAnalysisModule if they are not the default ones. -n 100 -b 5 -r my-dis-analysis -l ~/tools/eic-analysis/lib -a ~/tools/analysis/EICAnalysis/macros/diskinematics_fun4all/


merge-trees takes a collection of ROOT files containing the same tree produced by (or through any other process; merge-trees doesn't care) and merges those trees into one ROOT file. By default, if no trees are explicitly specified, merge-trees will look at the first ROOT file passed and will simply merge all of the trees found in that first file. merge-trees also adds a tree_number branch to each file it reads such that, in the merged ROOT file, one can distinguish rows based on which file the row came from. tree_number takes on ascending values starting from 0; the first file passed will have a tree_number of 0, the second file passed will have a tree_number of 1, and so on.

Usage: merge-trees [OPTIONS]... [FILE]...
Merge trees from specified FILEs into a single ROOT file.

--out, --out=    path where to save merged trees
--tree, --tree=  which tree to read from files
--all            merge all trees found in first file passed (default behaviour)
--verbose        print the trees and files being merged
--help           print this message

Merge the cluster calorimeter data (ntp_cluster) from each batch into one file named my-simulation.root

merge-trees --out my-simulation.root --tree ntp_cluster *cemc*

Merge all of the SVTX data from each batch into one file named Merged.root (the default output file).

merge-trees *svtx*

Analysis Macros


This macro generates a plot allowing one to see the distribution of what fraction of a particle's true energy is captured in the calorimeters for various particle types and energies.


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