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dotfiles, handy scripts, and new-system configuration stuff

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ELLIOTTCABLE's system configuration


Install Homebrew packages, symlink all of this config, etc:

$ xcode-select --install
$ git clone ~/Library/System
$ cd ~/Library/System
$ ./Bootstrap/

Run before using home/.gitignore:

$ git config --global core.excludesfile ~/.gitignore

Some Vim plugins require extra setup:

  • Vim's hosts need to be installed. Node's will be installed via nodenv-default-packages above, but Ruby and Python need to be installed manually for now:

    pip3 install pynvim
    sudo gem install neovim
    # or possibly something with rbenv, if using that
  • My coc.nvim setup will use a few additional linters that need to be installed externally. Some are installed via the nodenv default-packages install command above; others need to come from Homebrew (via brew bundle above) etc:

    pip3 install vim-vint
  • CoffeeTags requires the coffeetags gem to be installed globally (beware rvm!):

     brew gem install coffeetags
  • tern_for_vim, supporting JavaScript in SuperTab/Deoplete, requires some setup:

     cd ~/.local/share/nvim/plugged/tern_for_vim
     npm i
  • color_coded requires compilation (and note that it will fail if the installed vim included luajit. I keep forgetting this fact somehow.):

     cd ~/.vim/bundle/color_coded
     (mkdir build; \
        cd build && cmake .. && \
        make && make install; \
        make clean && make clean_clang)
  • Command-T requires compilation; and this must be done against the same version of Ruby that the current Vim is compiled against: (Check both MacVim and command-line vim!) :ruby puts "#{RUBY_VERSION}-p#{RUBY_PATCHLEVEL}". Re-build both Vims with the same Ruby; and then rvm (or similar) to that Ruby to build Command-T. (More information is available in the docs.

     cd ~/.vim/bundle/command-t/ruby/command-t
     ruby extconf.rb
  • sparkup has to have its vim docs re-generated:

     cd ~/.vim/bundle/sparkup
     make vim-pathogen
  • IPython-notebook-extensions needs some config to be configured, and I haven't figured out how to abstract it out, so I just .gitignore'd it:

     cd ~/.jupyter/IPython-notebook-extensions
     ./ install

    (This may need to be ‘fixed’ afterwards, restoring the symlinks in ~/.jupyter. This should be enough: git checkout extensions nbextensions templates, or similar.)

GnuPG (of effin' course) needs a lot of custom setup.

  1. First off, Tor is configured in my configuration to requst keys over Tor. This means starting tor (which was already installed by the above brew bundle):

     brew services start tor
  2. As described here, a special cronjob is necessary to regularly (and securely) request packages. The script is included in Dotfiles/, and can be invoked automatically by LaunchD / cron:

     mkdir ~/Library/LaunchAgents
     cp Dotfiles/gnupg/io.ell.gpg-refresh-keys.plist ~/Library/LaunchAgents/
     launchctl load ~/Library/LaunchAgents/io.ell.gpg-refresh-keys.plist
  3. Chill out the "unsafe permissions" warning-errors:

     chmod 700 ~/.gnupg
  4. The actual private-key has to be retrieved from the smartcard:

     gpg --card-edit
     # type 'fetch' at the gpg/card> prompt
     gpg --with-keygrip -K
     # should show "ssb>" before the private-key lines, to show that they're available on the
     # attached card

VScode keeps its config in a MacOS location, not the Linux/XDG location.

ln -s "$HOME/.config/Code/User/settings.json" \
   ~/Library/Application\ Support/Code/User/settings.json

The Terminal preferences (hotkeys etc) require Karabiner and Seil be installed, and that the fonts from the Extras/ directory also be installed. After all of those are installed, the configurations can be symlinked from my Dropbox:

ln -s '~/Documents/Dropbox/Library/karabiner.private.xml' '/Users/ec/Library/Application Support/Karabiner/'
ln -s '~/Documents/Dropbox/Library/' '~/Library/Preferences/'
ln -s '~/Documents/Dropbox/Library/GlobalPreferences.plist' \

(May require existing files be removed, or directories be created, first.)

Windows still needs some work, but here's some hints:

  • works with PowerShell
  • VSCodeVim is less work than actual vim, probably. Less of my configuration, though.
  • New-Item -Path C:\Users\ec\.tridactylrc -ItemType SymbolicLink -Value C:\Users\ec\Documents\GitHub\System\Dotfiles\config\tridactyl\tridactylrc

Okay, got fed up, automated a tiny bit of the Windows setup:

Open an Admin terminal (right-click the Windows logo in the taskbar); then run this PowerShell script:

powershell -ExecutionPolicy Bypass `
   -File C:\Users\ec\System\Bootstrap\bootstrap.ps1


dotfiles, handy scripts, and new-system configuration stuff






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