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MocoLoco project

MocoLoco aims to identify positionally-constrained conserved motifs within the genomic regions surrounding TF binding sites identified through ChIP-Seq or similar assays.

If you want to know how the tool works: MocoLoco_REPORT.

How to run MocoLoco

How to compile:

g++ -Wall -o MOCO MocoLoco.cpp -lgsl -lgslcblas -O3

Gsl-2.6 library

The current stable version of GSL is always available from in the directory /pub/gnu/gsl.

A list of mirror sites can be found at

The project homepage is

How to run (2 possibilities):

./MOCO -b <file.bed>  -p <number>(optional) -t <file.2bit> -j <file.JASPAR> -k <number, number, ...>(optional) -d <number, number, ...>(optional) -o p(optional) -e <number>(optional) -f <number, number, ...>(optional) -s(optional) -u(optional) -l(optional) -z <number>(optional) -r <number>(optional)

./MOCO -m <file_multifasta.fa>  -p <number>(optional) -k <number, number, ...>(optional) -d <number, number, ...>(optional) -o p(optional) -e <number>(optional) -f <number, number, ...>(optional) -s(optional) -l(optional) -z <number>(optional) -r <number>(optional)
Option Parameter Description
-b --bed Input bed file
-m --mf Input multifasta file
-t --twobit It is used with bed file to know from which genome extract the sequences
-j --jaspar Specify the jaspar file used as primary motif (used only if bed file as input file)
-k --kmer Length of k-mers in the analysis (DEFAULT: 6,8,10)
-d --distance It refers to the Hamming distance for the creation of oligos cluster (DEFAULT: 1,2,3)
-p --param It is the half-length of the sequences (DEFAULT: 150)
-s --ss To run the anlysis as single strand (DEFAULT: double strand)
-o --ordering It defines if the best oligos are ordered by pvalue (-o p) or by occurrences (DEFAULT)
-f --freq Set the frequence treshold to calculate the Zscore
-e --exp_max Refine the PWM matrices using the expectation maximization algorithm
-l --tomtom Set the output format suitable for Tomtom from MEME
-u --unidirection It orders the sequences in the same direction
-r --secondary Set how secondary matrices I need in the analysis
-z --z_pval_threshold Set the Zscore p-value threshold for eventually secondary matrices
-a --cleaning Disable the cleaning of sequences with low primary motif scores (DEFAULT: ON)



This script uses the twobit.c and twobit.h file from this repository, you can find these files in TwoBit folder.

Repository folders:

In this repository there are some useful folders for the usage of MocoLoco:

  • Genomes where there are some TwoBit files of most important genomes
  • Jaspar_2020 contains most of the matrices present in Jaspar database
  • Test_Bed is a folder with some bed files from ENCODE that can be used as test files
  • Random_multifa_TOOL contains an important tool used during MocoLoco testing, this tool is explained in the next chapter.
  • TESTING_MOCOLOCO is a folder with some bash scripts used during MocoLoco testing.

Testing tools

Multifa random tool

It is a tool able to generate multifasta files with user-defined TFBSs motifs implanted at specific positions.

How to compile

g++ -o RMC Multifa_random_tool.cpp

How to run (2 possibilities)

To generate random multifasta files and make implants:
./RMC -j <JASPAR_FILE_1> <JASPAR_FILE_2> ... <JASPAR_FILE_N> -p <number, number, ....> -l <number> -n <number> -o <number, number,...> -w <number, number,...> -c <number> -f <number, number,..> 
To generate random multifasta files:
./RMC -l <number> -n <number> -c <number> 
Option Parameter Description
-j --jaspar Specify the jaspar file used as primary motif for implants
-l --length Length of Multifasta sequences (DEFAULT: 500)
-n --nseq Number of Multifasta sequences (DEFAULT: 200)
-o --oligop Percentage of sequences in which the oligos will be implanted (DEFAULT: 0%)
-p --position Position of the implants in the sequences
-w --wobble The implanting position, for every oligo, will be randomly choosen between p-w and p+w interval (DEFAULT: 0)
-c --cycles How many random multifasta files this tool will produce (DEFAULT: 1)
-f --freq Percentage of fwd/rev strand to select for the implants. (DEFAULT: 50)


No description, website, or topics provided.






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Contributors 4
